10th. May. 2021. Daily Devotion.
Isaiah 40:31
But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.
We want things done in our own time; but when we realize that God loves us and that we are important to Him, we can know that He requires patience. God’s timing is better than ours. He always answers prayers. He might say “yes”; He might say “no.” But very often, His response is “yes, but not now.” If we recognize how important we are to God, we will realize that what He is actually telling us is “Yes, but I love you too much to give you your prayer prematurely.”
Sometimes I think that God delays answering prayers simply because He wants us to learn, for our own good, to depend upon him. In Hebrew (ruach) and Greek (pneuma), the word for “wind” and the word for “spirit” are the same. And thus, when Isaiah wrote that we shall mount up with wings like eagles, there is some wordplay going on. God’s spirit is to us like the wind is to the great soaring birds. They do not even have to flap their wings to rise higher and higher.
We have to learn to wait upon God. We have faith in Him, so we can trust His timing to be correct. Impatience is an attribute of children, and God seems to be waiting for some sort of maturity to be reached over a period of time before Christ comes again. So, the word for the day: Be patient. All good things will come to us when the time is right. M Barge
Lord God, give me patience in all things; teach me to trust you completely, including the timing of all things to come. Amen.
A Celtic Prayer
Soul of Christ make me holy,
Body of Christ save me,
Blood of Christ fill me with love,
Water from Christ’s side, wash me,
Passion of Christ strengthen me,
Good Jesus hear me,
Within your wounds hide me,
Never let me be parted from you,
From the evil enemy protect me,
At the hour of my death call,
And tell me to come to You,
That with your saints I may praise you,
Through all eternity, Amen.
For Teachers and Students
Almighty God, I pray to you to look with favour upon our universities, colleges, and schools, that knowledge may be increased among us, and sound learning flourish and abound. Bless all who teach and all who learn; and grant that in humility of heart they may ever look to you, the fountain of all true wisdom, and not be led by the devices of their minds into the pride and hollowness that comes from knowledge without truth; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
“Aim at heaven and you will get earth thrown in. Aim at earth and you get neither.” ~ C. S. Lewis.
While we endure this time of the virus, we might forget the gift of life You have given us. Trials test, but strengthen, our faith. You have promised that if we ask, we shall receive. We ask that we might do Your will. We are confident that this crisis will bring a deeper appreciation of the fullness of life that you have promised to those who place their trust in You.