10th. September. 2022. Daily Devotions.
We know that the whole creation has been groaning in labour pains until now; and not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly while we wait for adoption, the redemption of our bodies. Romans 8:22-23
Jenny Calvert comments – I have given birth five times and even though each birth was a little different, one thing was the same; the painful, but necessary, waves of contractions. The birthing process takes time and is difficult for both the baby and the mother. When the timing is right, the result of all this labour is a beautiful, new, little life to hold and love.
When I watched my mother die, I realized how much dying can be like giving birth. She laid there and laboured with each breath, taking her time to go through that passage of life to a place of quiet rest. It was painful for her, and it was painful for us to watch. When the timing was just right, mum went through that passage to be held and loved by her creator, and we took a sigh of relief knowing she was no longer struggling.
Another process that is like labour pains, is when we die spiritually to ourselves, to become new in Christ. It can be painful to get to that place where we admit our sinfulness. Sometimes the waves of doubt and guilt cause us to vacillate between that decision to face the reality of our sin, or to think we are just fine the way we are. We may even compare ourselves to others thinking, “I am not nearly as bad as the other guy.” Deep in our hearts though, we know we are imperfect. Facing that head on is difficult. The birthing process comes when we realize that we need the forgiveness of Jesus, to make that passage from our selfishness to His selflessness. Then we are reborn in His forgiveness, a wonderful new creation.
Lastly, labour pains are what we feel, while waiting for Christ’s return. The Bible says we groan knowing that this momentary affliction of suffering will eventually lead to a passage to God’s glorious kingdom here on Earth. Our journey here is difficult. We fluctuate between waves of joy and pain, success and failure, acceptance and rejection, love, and loneliness. When Christ returns, the labour pains will subside as He gives us a new body; unflawed, and fresh. Our tears will be wiped away as we will be cradled, safe and sound in our Heavenly Father’s arms. On that day, labour pains finally give way to birth.
Dear Lord, We groan, waiting for your return. Help us to do your work until that day. Amen
Blessing of Mark
O Sovereign and almighty Lord, bless all your people, and all your flock. Give your peace, your help, and your love unto us your servants, the sheep of your fold, that we may be united in the bond of peace and love, one body and one spirit, in one hope of our calling, in your divine and boundless love. Amen. From the Liturgy of Mark, 2nd Century C.E.
O God in who has brought to pass near to an innumerable company of angels and to the spirits of just men made perfect, grant us, during our earthly pilgrimage, to abide in their fellowship, and in our heavenly country to be the partakers of their joy, through Jesus Christ our lord. William Bright (1824 -1904)
A prayer on the occasion of the death of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth
Almighty and everlasting God,
in you there is neither beginning nor end;
you are from everlasting to everlasting, ever good and ever true.
You are our hope in life and in death,
and in your word of promise we place our trust. Today we give thanks for the life of your servant, our Queen Elizabeth,
whom now you have taken to be with you.
Long has she reigned over us,
offering support and courage,
a steadying hand in difficult days,
and a kindly presence in times of peace and prosperity.
We praise you for her life,
so rich in years and in service,
for her unwavering commitment to country, commonwealth, and every generation.
And for her trust in Jesus Christ,
her devotion to the church, and her respect for other faiths,
receive our thanks today.
May she rest in peace and let light shine upon her.
In their loss, comfort her family,
especially our King as he assumes his new responsibilities;
assure them of your unending love,
grant them the consolation of cherished memories,
and the hope of your promised kingdom.
These prayers we offer in the name of Jesus Christ, AMEN. The Rt. Rev. Dr Iain Greenshields, Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland.