North Queensferry Church

11th. January. 2021. Daily Devotion.

12 Blessed is the one you discipline, Lord,
the one you teach from your law;
13 you grant them relief from days of trouble,
till a pit is dug for the wicked.
14 For the Lord will not reject his people;
he will never forsake his inheritance.
15 Judgment will again be founded on righteousness,
and all the upright in heart will follow it
. Psalm 94:12-15

Thoughts on suffering by Mason Barge, (edited).

Perhaps the hardest thing for a Christian to learn is that we expect to suffer. The Old Testament rule, that God would discipline those He loves in order to teach them obedience to His law, was fulfilled in Christ. As Christians, we are no longer disciplined by God. The model that we see so easily that we are disciplined by a loving father, like a human parent would discipline a child who is playing with firecrackers, no longer applies to us. Our obedience to God’s will is a necessary result of salvation. We do not obey God to avoid punishment; we obey God because we love Him. We have become adults in faith and God will no longer punish us like children.

All of us still seek to avoid pain and find pleasures in this world.  While we are alive, our humanity will still generate feelings of fear and pain, and it will still be unpleasant. But it is never the same; it does not have the same power over us. No matter how terrible the things of this world get, we know in our hearts that God will set it right. Our hope is proof positive against any tragedy the world can inflict upon us.

For the strong in Spirit, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel; there is a star in the darkest sky; there is a rainbow already waiting for the end of the most terrible storm.

Lord, when I must suffer in this world, let me always be filled with the certainty of hope. Amen.

Prayer for Bearing Troubles

O God, our help and assistance, you are just and merciful, and you hear the prayers of your people; look down upon me, an unhappy sinner; have mercy upon me, and deliver me from the troubles that torment me, even though I may deserve them. I acknowledge and believe, O Lord, that you give us the trials of this life to strengthen us, when we drift away from you, and disobey your will; do not deal with me according to my sins, but according to your endless mercy, for I am the work of your hands, and you know my weakness. In the name of Christ I pray, Amen.

To Keep Christ in Mind During the Day

Oh Lord Jesus, it can sometimes be difficult to keep you at the front of my mind and in the centre of my heart, to let you guide my thoughts and actions during the pressure and rush of the day. Much of the time I completely forget you; I act from my own mind and heart, living in this world. It is so bad on some days that I will rush through whatever prayers I say or fail to read your Word with any conviction.

This is not how I want to live. Please, fill me with your Holy Spirit that I may have you in mind with my every thought and act. Lead me to take the first step every day to open my Bible, and to fold my hands and close my eyes. Let me put you first, Lord God, and remember that the pressures of the world are illusory whilst your Word is eternal. Amen.

Prayer for Medical Workers

 Restoring and healing God, thank you for medical workers everywhere,
embodying sacrificial love in these challenging times putting the welfare of others before their own staying away from their family and loved ones comforting the concerned and bereaved reassuring the anxious and vulnerable working to heal and restore people who are ill. Be their guide, strength, wisdom and hope.

We pray for those in authority to do right by them for proper protective equipment to be provided and for their dedication to be met with much gratitude and appreciation when they return home, exhausted.

And we pray for medical workers around the world, where resources and protective equipment are always in short supply, not only now but always.
May these extraordinary times lead to deep and necessary changes in how our world works, resulting in a genuine effort to address the profound injustice
of life expectancy being determined by geography, to awaken us all to the reality of how connected we all are and to work together to create the community and world
we all want to be part of. In Jesus Name, help us, Amen. Christian Aid.