North Queensferry Church

11th.October. 2021. Daily Devotion.

Such a high priest truly meets our need—one who is holy, blameless, pure, set apart from sinners, exalted above the heavens. ~Hebrews 7:26

All of us know what it’s like to be disappointed. And we can never live up to other people’s expectations.

We do well to remember these things in our fellowship in the church. I often describe church as “one beggar telling another beggar where to find food.” Each and every gathering of Christians is meant to increase our fellowship in the name of Jesus and to find unity through his Spirit. We need this gathering of believers because we are fallen, frail, weak human beings.

As our ultimate High Priest, Jesus meets our deepest need. This is wonderful news. In the midst of our losses, poor health, struggles, and deep pains, our Lord and King provides the assurance that our destiny is secure in him forever. In Jesus we will never be disappointed.

As our High Priest, Jesus represents us before the Father in heaven. So we can be assured that Christ is on our side. He knows us, and he knows what we are going through. He sees our lives and is our advocate before God, interceding for us always.

As God calls us to be priests, we can meet the needs of others as well. We do that through being good neighbours, visiting the sick, providing a meal, and being an encourager to everyone we meet. When we share the gospel of salvation with the people around us, we are being Christlike. We are being priests.

Lord, thank you that you never let us down. Help us to lift others up and to encourage all who serve you and your kingdom. Amen.

Prayer for the Day Ahead

Who can tell what tomorrow might bring? Therefore, gracious God, cause me to live every day as if it were to be my last, for I cannot know that it is not. Help me to live, this evening and tomorrow, as I shall wish I had done when I come to die. Amen.

For God’s Protection

Visit my home, I beseech you O Lord, and drive from it all the snares of the enemy. May your holy angels guard over me and all under my roof, and bring us safely to another day, and ultimately to the safety of your bosom, forever. Through Christ our Lord, I pray to you. Amen.

Prayers for Difficult Times

We are beginning to learn that this is a fragile world you’ve placed into our care.
But there are times, Lord, when we are reminded of our human fragility, needing your loving care through times of anxiety and illness. Touch us, Lord, with healing hands and words, that we might walk together through this temporary darkness and into your glorious light. Amen.

Bless the givers, eyes open for those in need of prayer, encouragement, support, a little time, the gift of love. In the act of giving and receiving may both be blessed. Amen.