12th. September. 2022.Daily Devotions.
For if we live, we live for the Lord, or if we die, we die for the Lord; therefore, whether we live or die, we are the Lord’s. For to this end Christ died and lived again, that He might be Lord both of the dead and of the living. Romans 14:8-9
Could we all imagine or visualize that Jesus is the Lord of all? He is not some distant God of only creation, but He is the personal God living inside you. Many of us even think that God’s work is done when we die, but the verse above says that He is the Lord of the dead and the living. When we understand Him as Lord of All, we can realize that nothing stops God’s work of love.
Jesus prayed in John 17:21-22, “Father, I pray that all who believe in me can be one. You are in me, and I am in you. I pray that they can also be one in us. Then the world will believe that you sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me. I gave them this glory so that they can be one, just as you and I are one.”
When we are one with Christ, allowing Him to be the Lord of all, we will be more than just tapped into Christ, but we will be Christ. The glory that was given to Christ will be our glory. Let us not be guilty of only utilizing part of Christ, but let Christ be our Lord of all!
Dear Father in Heaven, I give You my all and ask that You become my all in all. Through Christ Jesus I pray, Amen.
You alone do we seek, O God, and you alone do we desire. For you alone do we long and for you alone do we hunger and thirst. And where you are, is heaven. Sadhu Sundar Singh, Indian mystic, and evangelist (written 1922)
Ever loving, ever loyal, everlasting God, You are the source of all our loving, you are indescribable beauty, you are life itself.
Drawing close to you, we are fed, drawing close to you, we are shown what love really is, drawing close to you, we are given food to feed others.
May we draw ever closer to you, the source, with joy, with energy, with intent, for only by experiencing your love can we love your creation, only by touching your heart can we find heart for others, only by feeling your closeness can we draw close to those who are lost. In the security of your love, enable us to love this broken world. Amen.
God of love, we thank you for the life of The Queen, for her service to our nation and for her faith in you. Be close to all of us who mourn, that we may we find comfort and hope in your love.
Everlasting God, We pray for our new King, Charles III. Bless his reign and the life of our nation. Help us to work together so that truth and justice, harmony, and fairness flourish among us.
Compassionate God, Queen Elizabeth is also mourned as a mother, grandmother and great grandmother, friend, and confidant. Give courage to the Royal Family in their loss and sorrow. Be their refuge and strength;
Reassure them of your continuing love and lift them from the depths of grief into the peace and light of your presence.
Heavenly Father, hear our prayers and bring Your comfort; renew our trust in Jesus, whom You raised from the dead; strengthen our faith that those who die in the love of Jesus will share in His resurrection; We pray these things through Your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.