North Queensferry Church

13th. August. 2022. Daily Devotions.

The name of the Lord is a fortified tower; the righteous run to it and are safe. Proverbs 18:10

The Lord is a strong tower. He represents a place that is high, where we can see the future. We know what the Lord plans for us: to help us. We also know His plans to come again and set up His kingdom here on a new earth; a time that Christians looks forward to with great expectation.

The Lord is strong tower. We feel drawn to the safety we find in Him. We want to run to Him. We know in Him lies a haven of rest and security; a home of love with our Heavenly Father. We will be gathered, brothers and sisters in Christ, under His wing.

The Lord is a strong tower. He is the highest of all highs. On God’s shoulders we feel on top of the world. The air moves and the view is wonderful. When we travel on His shoulders, we don’t have to worry about the path ahead of us, because His path is the way of righteousness.

The Lord is a strong tower. Just like the wind blowing through the towers near my home, producing a musical tone, God’s Holy Spirit whispers His sweet tones of love in our ears. He guides, guards, and directs us with His voice.

It is nice to be up high where you can see ahead, feel the fresh breath of the Holy Spirit, be on the right path, and feel safe and secure. Like I told my granddaughter, “You can always know where home is, when you look for those towers.” The Lord is a strong tower. When we keep our focus on Him, we will always be home.

Dearest Lord, Thank you for being our strong tower. We run to you! Amen

For Perseverance
God, though this life is but a wraith,
Although we know not what we use;
Although we grope with little faith,
God, give me the heart to fight and lose. Amen. from “A Prayer” by Louis Untermeyer

Prayer to be Free of Anger
Lord Jesus, you taught us that anger with our brethren is a violation of your law, that it condemns us just as murder condemns us. Let me see clearly that anger is moral filth, as your servant James taught us. And yet, anger arises in my mind, thus I repent my anger, and ask that I be forgiven for this sin, by my faith in you.

Holy Spirit, be with me now and help me to recognize my anger instead of denying it. Teach me to forgive every act that makes me angry. Where I have been directly offended, grant me the spirit of forgiveness; where I have become angry over things that I have seen other people do or heard them say, imbue me with acceptance so that my anger will disappear. Let me remember always, Holy God, that I am not in charge of the world; You are. Give me total faith that you know what you are doing.

I pray not to live with suppressed anger, nor to deceive myself by denying my anger when I have merely suppressed it, but let it be utterly abolished within me. Grant me to live in love and peace, as my Saviour did and taught us to do. Let my anger be crucified, I pray in your name, Lord Christ, Amen.

Prayer for Peace                                                                                                                       
 Grant, O God, that your holy and life-giving Spirit may so move every human heart, that barriers which divide us may crumble, suspicions disappear, and hatreds cease; that our divisions being healed, we may live together in justice and peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.