15th. May. 2021. Daily Devotion.
When you pray, do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles do, for they think that they will be heard for their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him. ~ Matthew 6:7-9
To pray is to come into intimate contact with God; in fact, His Holy Spirit is physically present with us when we pray. It is a gift sent to us after Jesus left us, and God sent the Spirit not simply for our benefit, but also because He wants us to know Him. Prayer can be a bit selfish — we do and are encouraged to take our needs to Christ in prayer — but we also submit ourselves to Him in the process, knowing that the answer will have a wisdom that our limited vision of what we want can never have. God knows what we need before we ask; it is the opportunity to be in communion with Him that is important, and also the opportunity for us to hear and learn — sometimes without realizing it — how God wants us to change.
The Lord’s Prayer is recited mechanically a million, a billion, times every day; but it was intended as an experience to change our lives. Even the person, I imagine, who runs through the words without thought on a regular basis eventually must be affected by them. They will seep into our mind. Of course, Jesus warns against “heaping up empty phrases like Gentiles” or “babbling like pagans.” He wants us to think about what we pray, to question, to say what we are really thinking, to mean our praise and put some heart into it, and to listen for answers when we ask questions. So at least on occasion, say the Lord’s Prayer and pause to meditate on the meaning of each phrase. It holds enormous power for us.
~M Barge
Lord, lead me in my prayer life, for I desperately want a closer communion with you. Amen.
For a Cheerful Disposition in All I Do Today
Holy God, who has filled me with the joy of your grace and salvation, help me to do everything I am called to do without grumbling or complaining today. I call on your Spirit to assist me, that I may be blameless and innocent, a child of God without fault in the middle of a selfish and careless world.
Let me follow Jesus in every way: Let me shine as a light, a beacon in a world where darkness seeks to overcome us at every moment. And help me to hold tightly to the word of life, that in the day of Christ’s return I may be proud that I did not work in vain. I pray this in all humility before you, to whom be all glory and honour, Amen.
A Prayer of Thanksgiving
Lord God, today I am grateful for the gifts that you have given. They are different from more than a year ago when mobility, activity and social life were full and energizing.
These days, my gratitude is for the basics. That there is food, and shelter, neighbours
and friends. Keep them and us safe as restrictions are eased in the coming weeks and continue to bless and heal where the pandemic still rages.
Life has been slower during the pandemic, but there is plenty to appreciate among
the blessings received each day. May we be increasingly aware of God’s goodness and blessing even in times of change and challenge. Let us make this prayer in Light
and Peace of Jesus Christ. ~ Amen.