North Queensferry Church

16th.October. 2021. Daily Devotion.

God is exalted in his power. Who is a teacher like him? 23 Who has prescribed his ways for him, or said to him, “You have done wrong”? 24 Remember to extol his work, which people have praised in song. 25 All humanity has seen it; mortals gaze on it from afar. 26 How great is God – beyond our understanding! The number of his years is past finding out. Job 36:22-26

A Prayer After Reading Scripture

May the word I have read, Lord, be planted deeply in my mind and heart. Help me not to walk away and forget it, but to meditate on it and obey it and so build my life on the rock of your truth. Amen.

When Jesus came to earth, the religious leaders had a definition of God. They could not, and would not, entertain the idea of a lowly person being God in the flesh. He did not meet their qualifications. Do we put qualifiers on God? Do we say, “Well, this is what the Bible says, and it means exactly my way of thinking?” Could we have enough faith to have confidence that He is a God in control, and our job is to rest in His easy yoke with assurance?

I have decided to trust God no matter what. I may find out I was wrong about many things, but this I know, God loves me, God gave His life for me, and God is pure, holy, and capable of anything, even when He does not meet my clarification or qualification. I come to Him, seeking forgiveness for being so prideful by placing Him in my definition of who I think He should be. My dependence is not on my knowledge, but on Him in His ultimate wisdom. ~Jenny Calvert

Forgive me Oh Lord, for putting parameters around you, making you less that who you really are. I trust you to be the God of, “I Can, and I Will.” Amen


“To truly know the living God, this begets humility. To acquire learning, information, speculation, theory and theology — and even (in some cases) Scripture — this begets pride. You do not say someone is holy because he puts forth great ideas concerning the knowledge of God and the attributes of God. Look for those who proclaim the love of God in great personal loss and self-denial. You will find such wisdom far more among the simple and the humble than it is ever to be found among those who know so much about the things of God but so little of the Lord Himself.” ~ Michael Molinos.

Prayer to Find God

Grant me, O Lord my God, a mind to know you, a heart to seek you, wisdom to find you, conduct pleasing to you, faithful perseverance in waiting for you, and a hope of finally embracing you. Amen. ~ Thomas Aquinas.

For Those Who Have Died, and Those Who Mourn

Almighty God, Father of all mercies and giver of all comfort: Deal graciously, I pray you, with those who mourn, that casting every care upon you, they may know the consolation of your love and the safety of those who have departed this life in the faith and fear of Christ.

And look after all such souls, I pray, (and especially _______________), that they may be reunited with their loved ones when Christ gathers the faithful to him. In the hope and faith of the resurrection, I give all of my confidence to you and you only, oh mighty God, that you will bring all of your saints to rest, where there is neither sickness, nor sorrow, nor sighing, but life and joy everlasting. Amen.