17th. December. 2020. Daily Devotion.
11 When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. 12 For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.
So much of the focus at this time of year is on what Christmas means to children. Overhearing a local radio station the other day, I was struck by how often the announcer said, “just ten days to Christmas and the coming of Santa Claus” to an adult audience (the programme was mainly about football and popular music). It made me think how the hope of so many is solely for a lovely day with lots of good food and presents. Of course, there is no harm in enjoying a holiday and having fun nor in enjoying our children’s anticipation of Christmas, but this immature view of Christmas seems to be all there is for so many people.
The real hope of Christmas is so much greater than that. Our hope is in God who alone has the power to give meaning and purpose to life. As Christians we are called to a mature hope. David said in Psalm 39:7: “And so, Lord, where do I put my hope? My only hope is in You.”
John Wesley said: “See that your affections, your desire, your joy, your hope, be set, not on transient objects, not on the things that fly as a shadow, that pass away like a dream; but on those that are incapable of change, that are incorruptible and fade not away; those that remain the same. See that in all you think, speak, or do, the eye of your soul be single, fixed on Him that is invisible.”
Our God is called “the God of Hope”. He is the source of all real hope especially in this dark and uncertain time. Please do not lose sight of the true message of Christmas this year.
Advent Prayer
Holy Jesus, as I spend these days waiting to celebrate your birth, give me the grace to greet you without suppressed sighs of weariness. Grant me the spirit of generosity; let me open my front door to you, without any thought of inconvenience. Let me work every teaching and commandment you gave us, let me know your love and share it abundantly with all I may meet, remembering throughout this time your message and example of long-suffering love and infinite patience. Amen.
Prayer for Hope
God our Father you have given us hope in Jesus Christ your Son, our Lord. Help us to see that you are with us in these dark and difficult days. Give us the maturity to accept that this Christmas will be different, and that though we may not see family and friends as usual, we are nonetheless united with them in spirit and the bonds of love.
Our hope is for a vaccination and better treatments for the Covid-18 virus. It is also for your sustaining presence as we face restrictions and limitations in our lives. We ask your blessing and guidance for all who are engaged in the struggle and for courage for those who are enduring uncertainty and experiencing difficult changes in their lives. Give us grace to be understanding, supportive, and compassionate in all our dealings with each other.
That first Christmas, you gave us the gift of hope wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in a manger. Thank you, Father, for your immeasurable gift. In Jesus’ holy name, we pray. Amen.