North Queensferry Church

17th. July. 2021. Daily Devotion.

Matthew 18:21

 “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me?”

Harvey Kiekover wrote:

With considerable personal discomfort, I share today’s thoughts with you.

At the age of 29, my wife mentioned that her knees felt numb. Neither of us was greatly concerned. But we were naïve: that was the beginning of a very challenging journey. The numbness was a symptom of multiple sclerosis. As her symptoms became more troublesome, we knew there was a serious problem. She needed an arm to lean on when climbing stairs; her vision doubled; her stamina decreased. As the years became decades of loss, her description was sadly apt: “I am dying by inches.”

To say that we struggled is an understatement. My wife did, our family did, I did. And I wasn’t always the loving and caring husband I should have been and had promised to be.

One evening, as we were visiting in the nursing home that was her “home” for eight years, I knew I had to speak about this uncomfortable truth with her. Why on that evening? I don’t know, but I’m convinced God’s Spirit was at work. So I said, “Thelma, there were times I didn’t treat you well. I was impatient, unkind, and unloving far too often. I am very sorry.”

Her response amazed me: “I don’t remember that.” She had not only forgiven; she had forgotten! How gracious, loving, kind, and generous! And healing. She forgave as Jesus calls us to — from the heart. I thank her, and I thank God.


Lord, thank you for people who forgive well.
Please help us to be forgivers too.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Prayers for Those Torn by Alcohol and Drugs

I pray, O God of hope, for all persons and families whose lives are torn and disrupted by drugs and alcohol. Enable them to identify the illness. Strengthen them to seek help. Bless them with the power of your love, which imparts transformation and wholeness to those who trust in your name. Grant that as they walk this tortured road, they may journey together, bound close together in the bond of love. Shine your light upon them, Lord Christ, that they may see the path out of their misery and give them the strength to follow it.

Ephesians 1: 15-17

“For this reason, ever since I have heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all God’s people. I have not stopped giving thanks for you remembering you in my prayers. I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better”

Gracious Lord, we thank you for people who love us. Who have cared for us and been there for us (we take a few seconds of silence to picture them.)
Thank you for their advice, their kindness and their prayers.
We thank you for your love for us that you have no favourites, but you constantly love us fully and unreservedly. Help us to love others in your name.
Lord in this time of change and uncertainty, grant us wisdom and revelation.
That we may make good decisions for ourselves and for others in Jesus’ name, Amen.