18th. September. 2021. Daily Devotion.
I have calmed and quieted myself, I am like a weaned child with its mother; like a weaned child I am content. — Psalm 131:2
So many psalms are about battles, doubts, and trouble, or about thanks, joy, and praise to God in worship. But this psalm is different, much quieter.
Instead of portraying a king celebrating a victory or a priest leading worship in the temple, this psalm pictures a young child consoled and comforted by its mother. Think of a child who fell and skinned a knee and now, having been soothed and comforted, is able to fall asleep in its mother’s arms. In a way like that child, the psalmist is humble and at peace, not haughty or concerned with great matters, able to rest and trust in God’s comforting care.
God’s promises and care are indeed what calm and quiet our souls, like a toddler safe in the comfort of its mother’s embrace. The promise here is that when I fall down and get hurt, or even cry out my frustration in a tantrum, God will be there to pick me up and say, “There, there; it’s alright.”
I experience that quiet comfort when I read this psalm and picture myself in the lap of my God, soothed, comforted, and at peace like a little child.
I experience that quiet comfort when I read Jesus’ words: “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid” (John 14:27). In what ways does God comfort you? T. Leunk.
Lord, calm our thoughts and quiet our souls. Jesus, help us to rest and be at peace with you. Amen.
Prayer to Conform to God’s Will
O Lord God, I am so lukewarm towards you so much of the time, in so much of my life. I try not to admit it to myself, but I read your Word and I can see the gap between what you want for me and what I do. I make excuses. You tell us to pick up our cross and follow Jesus, imitating Him in all we do, but the lure of property, politics, entertainment — all of the matters of this world — is powerful. I concern myself with them constantly, ignoring the plain and simple message of the Bible. I live too much in the secular world, anxious for status and concerned about my future.
Have patience with me, mighty God, and forgive me. Do not spew me out, as you have warned you might do with the lukewarm. Fill my soul with the fire of your Word and help me grow, to put more confidence in you and less in the world before me; forgive me my sins and help me to live in them less and less today, and every day, that I might more perfectly follow your commandments. In Christ’s name I pray, Amen.
Dedication to Service
Now, O heavenly Father, I ask to be called as a witness to your love by the love I extend to others; a precursor of your justice by my unfailing commitment to what is right and good; a lamp set on a hill, reflecting the light of Christ in my forgiveness, mercy and compassion; and a harvester of souls through my humble and dedicated servanthood. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen
God of all hope we call on you today. We pray for those who are living in fear:
Fear of illness, fear for loved ones, fear of other’s reactions to them.
May your Spirit give us a sense of calmness and peace.
We pray for your church in this time of uncertainty.
For those people who are worried about attending worship.
For those needing to make decisions in order to care for other
For those who will feel more isolated by not being able to attend.
Grant us your wisdom.
Holy God, we remember that you have promised that
Nothing will separate us from your love – demonstrated to us in Jesus Christ.
Help us turn our eyes, hearts and minds to you. Amen