19th. July. 2022.Daily Devotions.
Proverbs 4:18
The path of the righteous is like the morning sun, shining ever brighter till the full light of day.
There are two paths laid out before us. The first way is to choose wisdom—it is a straight, smooth path suited for running unencumbered. That path leads to life and goodness. That path is free and open to all who would heed wisdom’s cry. That path “is like the morning sun, shining ever brighter till the full light of day”
The other path is to follow wickedness. This choice includes violence and evil, the very opposite of loving God and loving neighbour. That path, we know from earlier in Proverbs and likely from our own lives, can often seem enticing. It looks like fun times, easy money, and unbridled power. Solomon—and the rest of Scripture—wants us to understand that the wicked way is an illusion, a lie meant to trap us. To follow in that way “is deep darkness,” Solomon warns.
The good news is that while we all start on that wicked path, God has a rescue plan. Even “while we were still sinners,” Romans 5:8 tells us, “Christ died for us.” Turning to Christ requires our lives, but Christ promises eternal life with Him! He has made a way for each of us to follow the path of righteousness. R L Meek.
We wish to exchange the life we have for the life You promise, Father. We repent of our sins and confess that Jesus is Your Son. Cleanse us and in Him give us eternal life in Your presence. Amen.
Grant us, O Holy Spirit, wisdom and understanding that we may receive your light; prudence and strength that we may persevere in faith; knowledge and awe that we may rest in you alone, fear and delight that we may rejoice in your love. Amen.
~ Bonaventura (c.1217-1274)
Loving Lord, help us to be faithful witnesses to the truth we have received from you. Sustain us as we seek to be a welcoming community open to all. Help us as we seek to bring a message of hope where there is fear, joy where there is sadness, and faith where there is doubt. Empower us by your Holy Spirit to share your love with the whole community by our words and our deeds. Amen.
To Treat Others with Love and Understanding
Heavenly Lord, you have commanded us to love one another, but sometimes even when I am pleasant to another person it is not sincere. Help me, I pray, to be sincere in choosing good over evil. Let my love and concern for others not be a sham. When I work for you, fill me with your Holy Spirit, that I might be committed and enthusiastic in your service. Let me live in your presence, and not get so wrapped up in my life that I forget about you.
And may I be patient when difficulties arise and not give way to frustration and anger, knowing always that the result belongs to you. Let me not take offense at others, let me not be thin-skinned; but shielded by the power of your Spirit, let me not hear insult where none is intended, and shrug off even the most intentional. In Christ’s name, I pray this. Amen.
Prayer for someone who is ill
The one you love is ill Lord, as your friend Lazarus lay ill, others remarked to you that “the one you love is ill.” People said: “See his love for him.” Today, Lord Jesus, we pray for ______ because the one you love – is ill. We ask you to bring your healing and peace to her / him and their family. Amen.