North Queensferry Church

20th. April. 2022. Daily Devotion.

“Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Matthew 28:19

The great plan has been accomplished; Christ has died and risen. Our sins have been paid for, death has been defeated, and eternal life awaits all who are joined to Christ. Imagine being on that mountain in Galilee. You’re up there waiting, having heard that the resurrected Jesus will meet you there. And then he arrives.

On a mountain you can see for miles all around—it feels as if you’re looking over the whole world. Yet if you look up, you feel tiny and as if you could fall from your perch at any moment. Many ancient people believed that mountains were the place where heaven and earth met. Jesus has chosen the ideal spot to tell his disciples that he has all authority in heaven and on earth. Everything the disciples can see—around and above them—belongs to the Lord and Saviour, Jesus.

With the world spread around them, Jesus tells his followers they need to spread the news. They need to make new disciples of Jesus. They need to bring God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—to new believers. And they can do all that because he will always be right there with them.

This story continues every day as we share with the world around us that our sins are paid for, death is defeated, and eternal life awaits us in Christ.

Dear Jesus, help us to see you with us as we see the world around us. Fill our hearts with joy, hope, and excitement for eternal life with you—and to share that with others. Amen.

Loving your light, O Lord, may our hearts rejoice in your goodness. Living in your light may our lives reveal your grace. Walking in your light may our works reflect your glory. Amen. Margaret Fell (1614-1702)

For the Church

All-embracing God of love, timeless and limitless, forgive the Church of the ages.
Forgive its misuse and neglect of its Scripture, its teaching that divided and conquered.
Forgive the wilfulness that sought power and not humility, carrying a sword of conflict and not the gospel of grace.
Forgive its complicity in peddling the prejudice of its time, its complacency in the face of persecution and pogrom.
Forgive its deafness to the cries for help, its silence at the sight of injustice.
Through openness and honesty, with frankness and modesty, may we be brave and willing partners with those who seek to right the wrongs, correct the lies, and live in the truth. Amen.

“I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.” ~  C. S. Lewis

For the Suffering

Father of all mercies and God of all comfort, look in pity on all who are suffering during this time of strife and warfare. Protect the defenceless, heal the wounded, and sustain the homeless and hungry. Turn the hearts of our enemies and forgive both them and us for our share in the sin that has brought this anguish on humanity. Open to us a way of reconciliation and lead us to the path of peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

For Those Who Grieve

You are the Father of all mercies and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction. Bless those who grieve the death of loved ones, especially those who mourn the loss of loved ones during this time of war. You have conquered death in the death of Your dear Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ, who embraced the world in His dark death. Bring hope through the Word of Christ to all who mourn, that they may learn to hand over all their sorrows to Jesus, the Man of sorrows, who is personally acquainted with our suffering. Remind us always, especially in the time of death, that Your will is always good and gracious to save; through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.