20th. May. 2021. Daily Devotion.
Ephesians 1:18-19
18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, 19 and his incomparably great power for us who believe.
Usually when we think of praying for people, it is the poor, the sick, and other people with problems. But in our passage from Ephesians, Paul says, in effect, that he is so joyful at the faith shown by the church at Ephesus that he prays for them! How much we should remember to pray thanks for our salvation and faith, lest we forget we have it.
Too many Christians have never “read their bank statement” to find out the vast spiritual wealth that God has deposited into their account through Jesus Christ. They are like William Randolph Hearst, who, reading about some wonderful antique treasures, decided he had to own them. He sent out his purchasing agent to locate them and the man found them – in Hearst’s own warehouse. Hearst had been searching frantically for treasures he already owned! Had he read the catalogue of his treasures, he would have saved himself a great deal of money and trouble. Just so, Paul desired the Ephesian Christians to understand what great wealth they had in Christ.
~ M Barge
Heavenly Father, let me keep always in my heart the wisdom of hope that comes from knowing You. Amen.
To Treat Others with Love and Understanding
Heavenly Lord, you have commanded us to love one another, but sometimes even when I am pleasant to another person it is not sincere. Help me, I pray, to be sincere in choosing good over evil. Let my love and concern for others not be a sham. When I work for you, fill me with your Holy Spirit, that I might be committed and enthusiastic in your service. Let me live in your presence, and not get so wrapped up in my life that I forget about you.
And may I be patient when difficulties arise and not give way to frustration and anger, knowing always that the result belongs to you. Let me not take offense at others, let me not be thin-skinned; but shielded by the power of your Spirit, let me not hear insult where none is intended, and shrug off even the most intentional. In Christ’s name, I pray this. Amen.
For the Departed
We give back to you, O God, those whom you gave to us. You did not lose them when you gave them to us, and we do not lose them by their return to you. Your dear Son has taught us that life is eternal and love cannot die. So, death is only an horizon, and an horizon is only the limit of our sight.
Open our eyes to see more clearly and draw us closer to you that we may know that we are nearer to our loved ones, who are with you. You have told us that you are preparing a place for us; prepare us also for that happy place, that where you are we may also be always, O dear Lord of life and death. Amen.
~ William Penn, 1710
Prayer for the Times
God of all hope we call on you today. We pray for those who are living in fear:
Fear of illness, fear for loved ones, fear of other’s reactions to them.
May your Spirit give us a sense of calmness and peace.
We pray for your church in this time of uncertainty.
For those people who are worried about attending worship.
For those needing to make decisions in order to care for other
For those who will feel more isolated by not being able to attend.
Grant us your wisdom.
Holy God, we remember that you have promised that
Nothing will separate us from your love – demonstrated to us in Jesus Christ.
Help us turn our eyes, hearts and minds to you. Amen