21st. January. 2022. Daily Devotion.
3 In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly. Psalm 5:3
A father’s words to his son learning to care for a car in the sixties:
“He took me tool by tool through his truck. After what seemed like an hour of show-and-tell, he closed the cabinet, locked it, and looked me straight in the eye. “Son,” he said, “I fix things for a living. What is hard for you is simple to me. I may not be good at everything, but I am good with machines. Let me help you. I’m a mechanic. And, besides, I’m your dad.”
Here is what I think: our toughest challenges are simple oil changes to God. Here is what else I think: a lot of us make unnecessary messes. But we can change that. May I suggest:
Before you face the world, face your Father. [Just say this prayer, or something like it, first thing.]
Father, You are good. Good enough to love me, care for me, and come for me. You are good! An arch of Your eyebrow, and a million angels will pivot and salute. Every throne is a footstool to yours. Every crown is papier-mâché to Yours. You have no questions, second thoughts, or backward glances. You consult no clock. You keep no calendar. You report to no one. You are good! Amen. ~ from “Before Amen” by Max Lucado.
Let us worship the Christ who draws near to each of us. Let us praise the Christ who loves the worst among us. Let us bless the Christ who shares with the least among us. Let us glorify the Christ who intercedes for all among us. Amen. Ann Griffiths (1776-1805)
A Prayer for Understanding
Lord God, not every region on earth is the same. In some areas, war is all they have ever known. Their lives and families have been torn apart by the hellish ravages of war. Lord, I pray that You intervene by Your mighty power. Grant understanding where there is none. Break the backs of those who are hostile and hungry for power. Thwart the plans of the murderous and tyrannical, for You care for all people in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Prayers for Tonga
Loving God, we stand in awe at the power of creation seen in volcano and tsunami, recognising the smallness and weakness of our own existence. Yet you tell us that each person is special and important to you, and in that confidence we hold before you the people of Tonga as they deal with the aftermath of the volcanic eruption. We pray also for the peace of your presence for all those around the world waiting for news of family and friends, wanting to believe that the reports so far of little damage and no loss of life are true, but fearful of different news when the situation becomes clear.
We thank you for the moves within the Pacific and the wider international community to provide support for Tonga and pray that there will soon be opportunity to allow appropriate relief to be channelled quickly, especially the provision of clean drinking water. And although now everything is dismal and grey from volcanic ash, may the people of Tonga be able to hold on to the hope of the return of colour and joy to their land.