North Queensferry Church

21st. March. 2022. Daily Devotion.

An hour is coming when all who are in the tombs will hear his voice and come out, those who have done good to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil to the resurrection of judgment. John 5:28

Human beings tend to fear the unknown; it is natural. And if there is something truly unknown, it is heaven. But we will be rewarded for our faith in God’s promise of a wonderful afterlife, by that afterlife itself. And to bolster our faith, He has given us a proof of His power over death, by the resurrection of Jesus Christ. ~ M. Barge

Lord, let me always remember the certainty of heaven, for all who live in faith of Christ. Amen.

All-embracing God of love, timeless and limitless, forgive the Church of the ages. Forgive its misuse and neglect of its Scripture, its teaching that divided and conquered. Forgive the wilfulness that sought power and not humility, carrying a sword of conflict and not the gospel of grace. Forgive its complicity in peddling the prejudice of its time, its complacency in the face of persecution and pogrom. Forgive its deafness to the cries for help, its silence at the sight of injustice. Through openness and honesty, with frankness and modesty, may we be brave and willing partners with those who seek to right the wrongs, correct the lies, and live in the truth. Amen.

Loving your light, O Lord, may our hearts rejoice in your goodness. Living in your light may our lives reveal your grace. Walking in your light may our works reflect your glory. Amen. Margaret Fell (1614-1702)

Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5

Prayer for God’s Gifts

Oh Lord and Master of my life, take away from me the spirit of laziness, cowardliness, lust for power, and malicious and idle speech. But rather give me, throughout the day to come, an ample spirit of vitality and force in your service, to the benefit of your glory and the good of my fellow man. Let me act in humility, patience, and decency at all times, seeing my own error and overlooking the faults of others; and let me always know the presence of your Holy Spirit, to remind me of what I have asked, in the name of my saviour Jesus Christ, Amen

Prayer for all who mourn

You are the Father of all mercies and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction. Bless those who grieve the death of loved ones, especially those who mourn the loss of loved ones during this time of war. You have conquered death in the death of Your dear Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ, who embraced the world in His dark death. Bring hope through the Word of Christ to all who mourn, that they may learn to hand over all their sorrows to Jesus, the Man of sorrows, who is personally acquainted with our suffering. Remind us always, especially in the time of death, that Your will is always good and gracious to save, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.