North Queensferry Church

22nd. November. 2021. Daily Devotion.

1 God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. 2 Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way   and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, 3 though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging. 4 There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy place where the Most High dwells. 5 God is within her, she will not fall; God will help her at break of day. Psalm 46:1-5

Our faith is always being subjected to storms and earthquakes. Where can we find safety and security? Listen to Psalm 46: “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way. . .”

There is a certain and trustworthy basis for our faith—the God who made us and everything in our world. In all circumstances, no matter how terrible or frighten­ing, our unchanging God is our refuge and strength. In what ways has God been your refuge and strength? ~ T. Leunk.

Personal Prayers:

Be with us, Lord, in all our prayers, and direct our way toward the attainment of salvation, that among the changes and chances of this mortal life, we may always be defended by your gracious help, through Jesus Christ our Lord. ~ Common Worshi.p

I am giving you worship with all my life; I am giving you obedience with all my power, I am giving you praise with all my strength, I am giving you honour with all my speech. I am giving you love with all my heart, I am giving you affection with all my sense, I am giving you my being with all my mind, I am giving you my soul, O most high and holy God. Praise to the Father, Praise to the Son, Praise to the Spirit, The Three in One. Adapted from Carmina Gadelica

Prayer for Overcoming Life’s Hardships 

O Lord we call upon you in our time of sorrows, That you give us the strength and will to bear our heavy burdens, until we can again feel the warmth and love of Your divine compassion.  Be mindful of us and have mercy on us while we struggle to comprehend life’s hardships Keep us ever in Your watch, till we can walk again with light hearts and renewed spirits

For those who are ill

Merciful God, we entrust to your tender care those who are ill or in pain, knowing that whenever danger threatens your everlasting arms are there to hold them safe. Comfort and heal them, and restore them to health and strength, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.