22nd. October. 2020. Daily Devotion.
A quiet day of rest
“Remember to keep the Sabbath holy.” Exodus 20:8
Do you ever feel the wheels of your life racing faster and faster as you speed past the people you love? Could you use a reminder on how to slow it all down? If so, read what Jesus did during the last Sabbath of his life. Start in the Gospel of Matthew. Didn’t find anything? Try Mark. Read what Mark recorded about the way Jesus spent the Sabbath. Nothing there either? Strange. What about Luke? What does Luke say? Not a reference to the day? Not a word about it? Well, try John. Surely John mentions the Sabbath. He doesn’t? No reference? Hmm. Looks like Jesus was quiet that day.
“Wait a minute. That’s it?” That’s it.
“You mean with one week left to live, Jesus observed the Sabbath?” As far as we can tell.
“You mean with all those apostles to train and people to teach, he took a day to rest and worship?” Apparently so. from And the Angels Were Silent.
Always remember that you can award yourself a Sabbath any day you need it.
To Live in the Knowledge of Christ
Dear Jesus, I can open up my heart to you. I can tell you everything that troubles me. I know you care about all the concerns in my life.
Teach me to live in the knowledge that you who care for me today, will care for me tomorrow and all the days of my life. Amen.
Prayer for Those Suffering from Addiction
Dear Lord, we come to you and we pray for all those who are struggling today. We ask in the name of Jesus, that you be with everyone who is struggling with addiction, drugs, sex, gambling, food — sometimes it’s more than one at a time.
Father, you are our deliverer. We can do anything through Christ who strengthens us if we will only take the first step. Give every addicted person courage to face up to their problems and a strong desire to change.
Remove outside influences that hinder them from becoming clean and which (or who) perpetuate their addiction. May your divine presence protect them from themselves and from the things that drag them down. Many self-medicate to avoid dealing with pain in their lives. Give them courage and strength to face their demons and hurts, and to ask for healing of their wounds. Free them to be their true selves, released from sickness and pain.
We pray for healing for families that are harmed by addiction. We ask for protection for family members who are in harm’s way because of a loved one’s addiction. Pour out your grace, mercy and healing power on everyone affected by someone with an addiction.
May the chains of addiction be broken today. Set the captives free and begin the healing that you alone can give. Restore hope, give each a vision of life that is free from pain and addiction. Lord, for every need spoken or unspoken, we ask for your provision in Jesus name. Amen
Listening to God
Father of love and compassion,
Thank you for your forbearance.
How many times have we unthinkingly prayed the words,
“Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”
Now our plans and comfort have been upended and we are not in control of our situation.
Help us rediscover our dedication to doing your holy will in every situation.
Keep us far from greed and self-pity. And do not let us be indifferent to the needs of the less fortunate among us.
Our pride and complacency have suffered. May your Holy Spirit give us a truer understanding of our reality.
May our hearts swell with renewed gratitude for all the people and things we have taken for granted.
We make this prayer in Jesus’ name.
Amen. — Columban Fr. John Burger