North Queensferry Church

23rd. December. 2021. Daily Devotion.

“Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God.” Luke 2:13


According to the Guinness World Records, the largest choir ever assembled was over 120,000 in India. They must have made some noise. Can you imagine a different choir, a heavenly one? I picture the most amazing group of singers lighting up all of creation with a song of proclamation, joy and hope all mixed together. Wow, how great that must have been. Sometimes we get caught up in so many things at this time of year that we miss the fact that this is an eternal celebration. God has done an amazing thing. Things will never be the same again. Why don’t you sing or have a dance. Who knows, angels may be joining in.

Lord of beauty and majesty, you revealed to simple shepherds the very joy of heaven in Jesus, but you were proclaiming to the whole of creation that things had changed forever. The Messiah, the anointed one, had come. Lord, we thank you that that same Jesus is the one we meet by faith today. The Jesus of new life, forgiveness and hope is with us. Hallelujah, we praise your name and join with all creation in celebration. Amen.

Advent Prayer

Rejoice in the Lord always
Shout out his name
For God is with us
Our God is with us
The God of our salvation
In whom alone we trust.
Rejoice in the Lord always
Shout out his name
For God is our Father
He draws us home
By streams of living water
Where we shall thirst no more.
Rejoice in the Lord always
Shout out his name
He knows our thoughts
Understands our hearts
And enables us to become
The people we were meant to be. Amen

Prayer for the Spirit of Christmas

O Lord, I am so tired. It seems like the lists of to-do’s get longer each day, the frenzy in my home each night gets wilder. It seems like the holidays have barely started and already I am behind.

Help me, dear Jesus. Let me feel your loving arms wrap me tightly in the warm embrace of your endless love. Teach me to make choices about my time, to remember what is important this season and to say “no” whenever my “yes” would take me away from your peace. Fill me with patience, love and a sense of humor. Remind me of your deep love for me and let the fire of that love be something I can share with everyone around me. Amen.


Let me learn to say “no” to the demands of the world when it takes away from my peace.