24th. August. 2020. Daily Devotion.
So, the king said to me, “Why is your face sad since you are not sick? This can only be sadness of the heart.” Then I was very much afraid. ~ Nehemiah 2:2
“Jenny, you do not look well. I think you should go see the doctor.” These are the words I heard from my husband one day. The reason he was concerned is because the year prior, something was wrong with me. I did not look well but did not realize the seriousness of it all until I was put in the hospital for ten days. I was, indeed, gravely ill.
This time however, I was uncertain. I knew that I was not really feeling up to par but could not put my finger on the reason for the lack of energy, dark circles under my eyes, and the pale skin. So, I went to the doctor. He ran several blood tests which came out perfect. There was nothing physically wrong with me.
When I found out that I was fine, I realized, this is the face of sorrow. I was grieving over the loss of a loved one but did not realize that grief could be seen on my face. Eventually, colour came back to my cheeks, the dark circles faded, and my energy revived. The Lord had heard my prayers, and knew my grief, so with time He had given me the comfort that was needed.
Nehemiah went to serve King Artaxerxes as he had done many times before. He was the king’s cupbearer. The king immediately saw that something was wrong. Maybe Nehemiah looked pale with dark circles under his eyes. The king realized that Nehemiah was not physically sick but was sick at heart.
Nehemiah was grieving for his people. Israel was in Babylonian captivity, and the survivors that fled the captivity, were living in the horrible ruins of the once beautiful, Jerusalem. Nehemiah cried, fasted, and poured his heart out to God, confessing the sins of the children of Israel, and requested a new beginning for the nation of Israel. God heard his prayers.
The king gave Nehemiah permission to go to Jerusalem and help rebuild the city. Not only did the king give him a leave, but also supplied materials for the rebuilding, gave Nehemiah a letter of authorization so that he could travel there without being detained, and sent along with him, captains of the army, and cavalry. The beginning of the rebuilding process finally got underway.
Right now, in your life, you may have sadness of the heart. Your face, and body show the grief you bear. You may feel that you are living in the ruins of your once beautiful life. Just like Nehemiah, pour out your heart to God, through His Son, Jesus. He will hear your prayers just like He heard Nehemiah’s.
God gave Nehemiah the charge of rebuilding the wall and the burned-down gates of the city. God can, and will help you rebuild your life from within, bringing you healing of your broken spirit. Never give up hope. Ask God to supply the hope you need to make it through your circumstance.
Cling to Him with the last shred of trust that you have. Eventually, the colour will come back to your cheeks, and you will walk with your head held a little higher. God loves you, and He promises to dry all our tears. He is the one who provides the comfort you need, to change your face of sorrow, to one of pure joy. ~ Jenny Calvert
Dear Lord, thank you for the comfort you supply to those who are grieving. I lift them up to you. Amen
O Lord, who has mercy upon all, take away from me my sins, and mercifully kindle in me the fire of your Holy Spirit. Take away from me the heart of stone, and give me a heart of flesh, a heart to love and adore you, a heart to delight in you, to follow and to enjoy you, for Christ’s sake. Amen. From a prayer by Ambrose of Milan, 388 C.E.
A Morning Daily Devotional
Dear God, as I begin this day,
Let me turn my thoughts to you
And ask Your help in guiding me
In everything I say and do.
Give me the patience that I need
To keep my peace of mind
And with life’s cares, I hope, dear God,
Some Happiness to find.
Let me live but for Today
Not worrying what’s ahead,
For I have trust that you will see
That I get my “daily bread.
A Devotion to do Good
If I can do some good today;
If I can serve along life’s way,
If I can something helpful say,
Lord, show me how.
If I can right a human wrong,
If I can help to make one strong,
If I can cheer with smile or song,
Lord, show me how!
If I can aid one in distress,
If I can make a burden less,
If I can spread more happiness,
Lord, show me how. Amen!