24th. October. 2020. Daily Devotion.
“Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things…”
~Psalm 119:18a
A common metaphor is: “The eyes are the windows to the soul.” Many people believe it is an expression that means when you look into the eyes of a person it can give you a glance into their soul. In other words, the eyes are a glimpse of whether they are happy, sad, loving, etc.
A person’s vision is important because it allows them to connect with their surroundings. In our world that we live in, our eyes see a variety of colours, shapes, and patterns. We are able to notice if something shines or sparkles. For example, gems when in the sunlight often reflect colourful rays.
Having spiritual vision is another subject. Spiritual vision is a person’s capability to discernibly see the brilliant promises and wondrous things in the Word of God, and also see the world from God’s viewpoint. A person cannot have clear spiritual vision without God’s help.
In the Book of Matthew, Jesus spoke about spiritual eyes, He stated: “Your eye is a lamp that provides light for your body. When your eye is good, your whole body is filled with light.”
God’s people do not let the world cloud their vision. When a person looks away from God, they lose their sight, and everything becomes foggy. George Mueller stated: “Faith is the eye by which we look to Jesus. A dim-sighted eye is still an eye; a weeping eye is still an eye. Faith is vision plus valour.”
Ask God to focus your vision so you will not stumble. Continue to stay alert, with your spiritual eyes wide open. u. Look up to Jesus! It is then you are filled with His light and you will sparkle, shine, and reflect His colourful rays into the dark world.
Roy Lessin stated: “When the eyes of our faith are upon the Lord we can trust in Him to bring the light we need to take the next step, to give the wisdom we need to make the right decision, to give the strength we need to continue on in our service, to give the courage we need to stand against the enemy, and to bring the victory we need to overcome the world.” A Brock.
Lord, we pray that the eyes of our heart will be enlightened in order that we may know the hope to which You have called us. Amen.
Prayer for the Morning
The night has passed, the sun shines its light upon us, and the day lies open before me. As I rejoice in the gift of this new day, so may the light of your presence fill me with love for you and my fellow man, holy God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Abide with me, I pray, now and forever. Amen.
Thanks for the Animals of Creation
Oh God, I thank you for all the creatures you have made,
so perfect in their kind —
great animals like the elephant and rhinoceros,
humorous animals like the camel and the monkey,
friendly ones like the dog and the cat,
working ones like the horse and the ox,
timid ones like the squirrel and the rabbit,
majestic ones like the lion and the tiger,
for birds with their songs.
Oh Lord give me such love for your creation,
that love may cast out fear,
and all the creatures see in man
their priest and friend,
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
Coronavirus Prayer
God of all mercy and compassion, life and death are in your hands.
Hear our prayers in this time of illness and infection, of isolation, fear, and uncertainty: for the sick, and those weighed down by pain, distress,
loneliness, and anxiety; for all who care for them, conscious of the risks they bear;
and for those who have responsibility for public health and social order.
Hear the cry of the afflicted and let them be comforted, so that all who suffer may come to know that they are joined to the sufferings of Christ, who gave his life for the salvation of the world; and by your blessing on them and those who care for them,
may they be restored, according to your will, to soundness of body and mind, and offer you joyful thanks in your Church. Through Jesus Christ, your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God for ever and ever. Amen. Scottish Episcopal Church Liturgy Committee.