25th. April 2020.Daily Devotion.
I am happy, once again to share A Candle in the Window, this week’s thoughts by Peter Millar: Words to encourage us in tough times.
One of my favourite poems:
I will not die an unlived life. I will not go in fear
Of falling or catching fire. I choose to inhabit my days,
To allow my living to open to me, to make me less afraid,
More accessible, to loosen my heart.
Until it becomes a wing, a torch, a promise.
I choose to risk my significance: to live.
So that which came to me as seed, goes to the next as a blossom,
And that which came to me as a blossom, goes on as a fruit. Dawna Markova
Hearing a familiar voice:
Wherever we are, many of us fall into a routine in this lockdown period, something I never seem to manage normally. I live in Warebeth in Orkney and these past weeks have taught me that it is not such a bad thing to tread and – re-tread the same paths. Every day I look at these same hills, these same shores, and every day they show me something new. Over time, these daily walks build up, one upon the other, to create a long view: a portrait of a place through time.
A few days ago, for the first time this season, I heard a familiar voice rising above the rest like a flautist. It sang a sliding upwards note, which it then repeated, gathering pace, until it hit its rhythmic, rippling peak. I searched the sky for the source: wings outstretched, and that unmistakable bill – a long and slender curved proboscis. A curlew, Numenius arquata, announcing his presence at his breeding ground. Rising and falling, stitching the air over the marshy meadowland near where the Hoy Sound pounds the coast as he searched for a mate. Cal Flyn
The peace of the earth and the peace of the heavens be with you. The peace of the rivers and of the oceans fall over you. The deep peace of God be with you today in all your doings and wherever you are – and may you pass it on.
Adapted from a traditional Celtic blessing
Tonight, before falling asleep, think about when we shall all return to the streets. When we hug again. When shopping together will seem like a party. Let’s think about when we can share a coffee and small talk and pictures. Be close to each other. We can think about these present times when it will only be a memory. Normal times will seem like a beautiful gift. Every second will be precious to us. Sunsets and laughter. See you soon and take courage! From some recent words of Pope Francis.
Leaning on each other:
In a particularly poignant scene in Albert Camus’ ‘The Plague’ – which reads like it was published three weeks ago instead of in 1947, the doctor works tirelessly to lessen the suffering of those around him. But he is no hero. “The whole thing is not about heroism,” he says. “It may seem a ridiculous idea, but the only way to fight the plague is with decency.” In these post-Easter days I find myself wondering, more than in previous years, what “new life” might emerge from this present global crisis. Whatever it is, I hope it is characterised by more decency. I hope it embraces our interdependence: our need for each other. In Bill Wither’s words, “Lean on me when you’re not strong because we all know it won’t be long ‘til I’m gonna need somebody to lean on.” From a reflection written by a friend, Nathan Wilson in the States.
Eternal echoes:
In 1998 the well-known Irish writer John 0’Donohue (who sadly died some years ago) wrote a best-selling book – Eternal Echoes: exploring our hunger to belong. I was recently re-reading it and was struck by how much of his writing speaks to our present situation. O’Donohue invites us to embark on a journey of discovery into the heart of our post-modern search for identity and meaning. He digs deeply into a range of ancient beliefs and practices, especially drawing inspiration from Ireland’s rich spiritual heritage of Celtic thought, wisdom, and imagination. Here is just one sentence to ponder. I think it is prophetic….” We can trust that even in awkward times of confusion and conflict the pendulum of nature will eventually come to rest in truth and compassion.”
If you can find a copy of Eternal Echoes or have it already, I hope that you can be drawn into its many life-enhancing insights as we all ponder our basic humanity and our future within a global world. (Bantam Books and the ISBN is 0-553-81241-6).
Blessed be the longing that brought you here and that quickens your soul with wonder. May you have the courage to befriend your eternal longing. May a secret providence guide your thought and shelter your feelings. May your mind inhabit your life with the same sureness with which your body belongs in the world. May the sense of something absent enlarge your life. May your soul be as free as the ever-new waves of the sea. May you succumb to the danger of growth. May you live in the neighbourhood of wonder. May you know that you are ever embraced in the kind circle of God. Also by John O’Donohue, Conamara Blues – Echoes of Memory Anam Cara
Today pray for yourself and your family.
The strength of the Triune be our shield in distress,
The strength of Christ, His peace, and his Pasch,
The strength of the Spirit, Physician of health,
And of the precious Father, the King of Grace.
The eye of the great God be upon you,
The eye of the God of glory be on you,
The eye of the Son of Mary Virgin be on you,
The eye of the Spirit mild be on you,
To aid you and to shepherd you.
Oh, the kindly eye of the three be on you,
To aid you and to shepherd you. Amen