North Queensferry Church

25th. August. 2020. Daily Devotion.

Jesus said to Martha, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?’~ John 11:25-26

We have all been highjacked or waylaid by ideas, products, and plans that ended up being false. How easy it is to buy, use and then toss things that promise something that does not do what it is claimed.

There are so many scams, malicious schemes, false advertisements, and media-produced hysterias. “Eat this every day to melt away the pounds,” or “Drink this for a better night of sleep.” Possibly we’ve heard, “Join our business to become successful and wealthy,” At least once a week someone tries to tell us that we have had an accident for which we deserve compensation or that our internet provider is going to shut down our account because of a failed payment. “Oh aye, right – you think I came up the Clyde on a cream cracker?!”

We’ve got to be cynical for if not we could be duped. However, there is one promise on which we can rely. When Lazarus died, Jesus told Martha, Lazarus’ sister, “Everyone who lives and believes in me will never die.” Here was her brother who was dead, buried, and stinking, yet with what would appear as audacity, Jesus speaks these words. Then He goes on to ask Martha, “Do you believe this?” She somewhat dodged a clear response by saying, “I know he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day.”

We cannot blame Martha for her answer because she probably did not understand the exact meaning of Jesus’ question. Was He being facetious? No, He was not. He was giving Martha a solemn promise, a promise which is applicable also to us, His children of the future.

We have all sinned, and come short of God’s glory, but Jesus gives us not only hope, but assurance of God’s grace and forgiveness. Someday, we will all die physically, but even if the doctor has given us the worst prognosis we could imagine, nothing can void this promise of God. Through Christ Jesus, we have eternal life, and while we live here in this physical body, we have rich and plentiful spiritual life. Nothing can take that away from us because it was a covenanted to us in the blood of Christ.

In Christ, we have life. He gives us an eternally promising prognosis. Rejoice and be glad!


Thank you, Christ Jesus, for our promise of eternity. Amen.

May the word I have read, Lord, be planted deeply in my mind and heart. Help me not to walk away and forget it, but to meditate on it and keep it and so build my life on the rock of your truth.

Prayer for the Morning

Dear Lord, thank you for this new day with all its potential. Look after me and protect me throughout the day. Give me wisdom to see and experience Your world in all its beauty.

Protect my family and those closest to me. Let me live today learning, growing, and contributing, so to make the world a better place for everyone I encounter. Amen.

Prayer for others

There are many whom we know today who have special needs in their lives and want your special touch and reassurance.  Some have health problems, and we don’t always understand why these things come in our lives and we’re tempted to question you when our faith is tested, sometimes to the limit.

We pray that that faith will not fail during these days of uncertainty. Some have stresses and family worries, or relationship problems and we all need your grace to see us through. Bring healing and reconciliation to all for whom we pray, in Jesus Name.   Amen