North Queensferry Church

26th. January. 2022. Daily Devotion.

Now listen! Today I am giving you a choice between life and death, between prosperity and disaster. ~ Deuteronomy 30:15

It is sad indeed, when one comes to a place in their life, where a defeated spirit leads to despair. A state of hopelessness begins to set in, followed by a blinding darkness. People of all ages, and walks are subject to the claws of its trap. An elderly person, a young teen, a neighbour, a relative, a friend, or maybe even we, ourselves have come to this place of torturous despondency.

Jesus is the Great Physician. He thought we were worthy enough, to give His life for our benefit. In Him the ultimate life has been given to us. The light of noon day is standing right there, where we are, holding out His hand. We just need to reach out, and He will grab hold, moving us into the illumination of His love.

Our cave of hopelessness can be changed to light, love, peace, prosperity, life, and joy. God wants us to have these things because we are precious to Him. He loves us so much. We only need to take one tiny step in the right direction. Choose life!  J. Calvert.

Dear Father of Love, Bring us into the light of your love, and release us from our hopelessness. Amen

Prayer for Fruits of the Spirit

O Lord Jesus Christ, give me a measure of your spirit, that I may be able to obey your teachings, to pacify anger, to pity the sinful, to moderate desire, to increase love, to put away sorrow, to cast aside pride in my accomplishments, not to be vindictive, not to fear death, always entrusting my spirit to Almighty God the Father, who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, with no end. Amen.

Prayer For tolerance

Loving God, we long for a place where all are welcome regardless of gender, ethnicity, status, ability and sexuality. A place where it doesn’t matter if I am on my own, or my upbringing is different, or my politics and views are not the same as others near me. I long to see a smile, and Christians willing to be accepting of everyone, prepared to welcome just as Jesus did. Amen.

An Old Prayer

Though we cannot love you as we ought, O Lord, let us love you as we are able, that guided by your light and kept by your power, we come at the last, into your glorious presence. Amen. Thomas Ken (1637-1711)

A Prayer For Strength

Oh God, Our God Our Creator and our strength help us to understand your ways and to accept that we were not meant, to understand all things, or control all things.

Help us please to accept in faith your will and live by your grace in hope and with joy. It is hard Great Eternal One, so hard for us to still our fretful minds nd trust in you as you have instructed.

We know we fall short, and we ask your forgiveness.

Please send us your peace and give us understanding that we might imitate Christ and live fully and without fear. Amen. #