North Queensferry Church

26th. July. 2021.Daily Devotion.

Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners. Awake to righteousness, and sin not; for some have not the knowledge of God: I speak this to your shame. ~ 1 Corinthians 15:33-34

Calling Back

I receive so many calls from sales people and scammers that I grow tired of the ringing phone. Most the time I do not answer, however the ringing can become annoying. On one such morning, I was trying to work on a devotional, and as I could see, by the caller identification, I was receiving one of these calls.

I picked up the phone and immediately hung it up without answering. Usually this technique works, however this time the caller called right back. I was very annoyed by this time, and answered the phone with, “Why do you keep bothering me?”

The caller was looking for someone I did not know. With slightly less rude tones, I said my goodbye and hung up. As soon as I did, the Lord immediately spoke to my heart and said, “Was that a good example of me?” I knew it wasn’t and felt ashamed.

I was getting ready to call back when the phone rang again; (the same caller). This time when I answered, I said, “I am so sorry for how rudely I answered the phone. I get so many calls that it becomes an aggravation. I know that is not an excuse for my behavior. Would you please forgive me?”

I think the caller was slightly stunned. He told me that he understood fully and that he was just trying to locate someone who drove off their lot with a vehicle and did not return. After going through several names and assuring him I did not know any of these people, he told me that this would help in narrowing the search.

I took this opportunity to witness. I said, “As soon as I hung up, the Lord spoke to me and convicted me of not being a good representation of Him. I know I was rude and did not speak as Christ would have me to speak. I am so glad you called back, because I wanted to apologize.”

He told me, “Every day, I get on my knees, before I leave for work, but it doesn’t always mean that I do what I am supposed to. It’s then I have to get back on my knees. Don’t worry, I understand, and I forgive you.”

When I got off the phone, I made my call back to Christ. I asked for forgiveness and asked for an erasure of my behaviour so that I could start over, with my clean-slated day. As we call back, over and over again, God in His mercy, loves and forgives us. He wipes out every blot and stain, remembering them no more. ~ Jenny Calvert.

Dear Father, Thank you for forgiving me over and over again. Thank you for your mercy. Amen

A Prayer of St. Basil the Great

I bless you, O God most high and Lord of mercies, who forever works great and mysterious deeds for me, glorious, wonderful, and numberless, who provides me with sleep as a rest from my infirmities and as a repose for my body tired by labour. I thank you that you have not destroyed me in my transgressions, but in your love toward mankind you have raised me up, as I lay in despair, that I may glorify your majesty.

I entreat your infinite goodness, enlighten the eyes of my understanding and raise up my mind from the heavy sleep of indolence; open my mouth and fill it with your praise, that I may unceasingly sing and confess you, who is God glorified in all and by all, the eternal Father, the only-begotten Son, and the all-holy and good and life-giving Spirit: now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

For Those Praying with Me

Heavenly Father, there are people praying with me, right now, whom I will never meet. I don’t know their names, or what country they live in, or what they may look like, but I will know their souls, for we are brothers and sisters in Christ. I pray that we might be united in the Holy Spirit, and that I will know and feel the kinship and love, in my spirit, of those who share these prayers with me. Amen.

“Some trust in chariots and some in horses but we trust in the name of the Lord.
They are brought to their knees and fall but we rise up and stand firm.”
Psalm 20:7
Lord, we thank you that you are trustworthy: you remain constant in love, mercy and grace. We ask that in times of trial that you may strengthen our faith and help us to keep our eyes fixed upon you.  When we are weary and tired help us to come to you enable us to rise up and stand firm. In Jesus’ name, Amen.