26th. October. 2020. Daily Devotion.
6 I call on you, my God, for you will answer me;
turn your ear to me and hear my prayer.
7 Show me the wonders of your great love,
you who save by your right hand
8 Keep me as the apple of your eye.
Hide me in the shadow of your wings
9 from the wicked who are out to destroy me,
from my mortal enemies who surround me
Nicodemus came to Jesus in the middle of the night. The centurion came in the middle of the day. The leper and the sinful woman appeared in the middle of crowds. Zacchaeus appeared in the middle of a tree. Matthew had a party for him.
The educated. The powerful. The rejected. The sick. The lonely. The wealthy. Who would have ever assembled such a crew? All they had in common were their empty hope chests, long left vacant by charlatans and profiteers. Though they had nothing to offer, they asked for everything: a new birth, a second chance, a fresh start, a clean conscience. And without exception their requests were honoured. from Six Hours One Friday.
For Those in Distress
I pray to you, Master, be our helper and defender. Rescue those of our number in distress; raise up the fallen; assist the needy; heal the sick; turn back those of your people who stray; feed the hungry; release our captives; revive the weak; encourage those who lose heart. Let all the nations realize that you are the only God, that Jesus Christ is your Child, and that we are your people and the sheep of your pasture Amen. From a prayer by Clement of Rome (96 CE.)
Archbishop Fisher’s Prayer
God of our Salvation, you have ordained that we should serve you in serving one another. Look upon this nation, burdened at this time with many cares and anxieties,
with infection, sickness, and untimely death.
Grant us grace to work together, with honest and faithful hearts, each caring for the good of all; that, striving first for your kingdom and its righteousness, we may have added to us all things that we need for our daily sustenance and the common good. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. (Based on a prayer of Geoffrey Fisher)
Oh Lord Jesus Christ, who said to your apostles, “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you”; I pray that I and your whole church, the body of all faithful people, will know your peace, and live in harmony and unity, one with another, in accordance with your wishes. This I pray to you, who lives and reigns forever. Amen