North Queensferry Church

28th. May. 2021. Daily Devotion.

2 Corinthians 7:1

Let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God.

Are you seeking to be holy? God has made holiness the moral condition necessary to the health of his universe. Sin’s temporary presence in the world only accentuates this. Whatever is holy is healthy, and evil is a moral sickness that must ultimately end in death. The formation of the language itself also suggests this, the English word ‘holy,’ deriving from the Anglo Saxon halig means ‘well’ or ‘whole’. To be whole in Christian terms means to be holy. Can you say, ‘I am holy – truly holy’? I am afraid I can’t. I don’t think any honest Christian would say ‘yes’ to that question. But neither would any honest Christian ignore these solemn words: ‘make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy; Without holiness no one will see the Lord.’  (Hebrews 12: 14).

~ Selwyn Hughes.

Father, help me be as concerned for the moral health of the universe as you are. But more, help me to focus first on my own moral health and to be rid of all in my life that is contrary to You and your nature. In Jesus name I ask it. Amen.

Prayers for Those Torn by Alcohol and Drugs

I pray, O God of hope, for all persons and families whose lives are torn and disrupted by drugs and alcohol. Enable them to identify the illness. Strengthen them to seek help. Bless them with the power of your love, which imparts transformation and wholeness to those who trust in your name. Grant that as they walk this tortured road, they may journey together, bound close together in the bond of love. Shine your light upon them, Lord Christ, that they may see the path out of their misery and give them the strength to follow it. Amen.

Prayer for Joyful Hearts

Father, in a world where there are so many difficult situations, troubled times and hurting hearts, we lift up those that are going through grievous times and entrust them into Your care. We pray that You would sustain them with Your sufficient strength and pour into their hearts the joy that only comes from You.

Thank You, that the joy of the Lord is our strength and that You have promised that Your grace is sufficient for all eventualities. Keep us all with our hearts fixed on You and instil in our hearts a joyful disposition so that we may bring comfort and cheer to those around us and be salt and light to those that are facing troubles or difficulties.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Listening to God

Father of love and compassion, thank you for your forbearance.
How many times have we unthinkingly prayed the words, “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Now our plans and comfort have been upended and we are not in control of our situation. Help us rediscover our dedication to doing your holy will in every situation.

Keep us far from greed and self-pity.
And do not let us be indifferent to the needs of the less fortunate among us.
Our pride and complacency have suffered.
May your Holy Spirit give us a truer understanding of our reality.
May our hearts swell with renewed gratitude for all the people and things we have taken for granted.
We make this prayer in Jesus’ name.