29th. December. 2021. Daily Devotion.
After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem 2 and asked, ‘Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.’ Matthew 2:1-2
One of the most remarkable attributes of God’s incarnation on earth was that he emptied Himself of His divine power and humbled Himself to be one of us. Christ, as a new-born baby, was pretty much like every other baby in terms of knowledge, power, etc. He had to learn how to speak. He had to be toilet-trained. He cried when He was hungry. He was utterly weak and vulnerable. But over the course of years, as He grew to adulthood, He grew into His power and His destiny. The magi gave themselves up to the Son of God who would become the Saviour of the world.
If God works over time — and He does — who are we to expect instant success and gratification? “A journey of a thousand miles,” the saying goes, “begins with a single step.” The journey to find and know Christ, also, must be made one step at a time, one day at a time. M. Barge
Lord Christ, let me seek you this year as the magi sought you. Amen.
A Prayer to Follow the Star
Lord, may I be like the Wise Men who were guided to you by the Star of Bethlehem. Give me the wisdom to seek you, a light to guide me to you, the courage and persistence to search until I find you, the graciousness to worship you and the generosity to lay my gift before you, who is my King and my God for ever and ever. Amen.
Prayer for Humility
Heavenly Father, who sent your Son to ride on an ass and to work as a simple carpenter: if you so humbled yourself to save me, how can I puff myself up with pride above others? Let me follow Christ’s example, never to inflate myself with pride of status, of opinion, or of any of the gifts you have bestowed upon me.
Give me the grace to realize my ignorance, admit my mistakes, recognize my needs. Let me welcome good advice and sound rebuke, without defensiveness. Grant me always to praise rather than criticize, sympathize rather than discourage, build rather than destroy, and when I am angry at the ignorance of another, to recall my own ignorance and remember that we are all your beloved children. Let my hope and glory be ever in you, and not in my own vanity. This I ask in Christ’s sake, Amen.
To be open to other people
Compassionate God, we are sorry when we fail to see ourselves and others in the light of your love. Transform our inner hostility into hospitality so that we may be ready to welcome you in friend and stranger. Help us to remember that you call all people to eat at your table, and that being chosen by you does not imply exclusion of others, but that your love extends to every human being, and your arms are always open. Amen.
For people with mental health problems
Lord, we pray for those who wrestle with mental health issues. Grant them support, care, understanding and love. We pray for families trying to give support. Lord, supply energy, rest, patience and others to help. We pray for the wider support network, medical professionals, support staff and volunteers. Protect them from being overwhelmed. Encourage them and give wisdom. In Jesus’ name. Amen.