North Queensferry Church

2nd. August. 2021. Daily Devotion.

13 As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him; 14 for he knows how we are formed, he remembers that we are dust.
15 The life of mortals is like grass, they flourish like a flower of the field; 16 the wind blows over it and it is gone, and its place remembers it no more. 17 But from everlasting to everlasting he Lord’s love is with those who fear him, and his righteousness with their children’s children – 18 with those who keep his covenant
and remember to obey his precepts.
Psalm 103:13-18

Harvey Kiekover wrote:

An elderly friend entered the open door of my office, sat down across from my desk, and came right to the point: “Harvey, you must remember you are dust!”

I wasn’t expecting this from her. But I knew from a reliable source that this is true. She was echoing Psalm 103:14: the Lord “remembers that we are dust.”

There was a time when I thought this verse meant that we have little or no worth. I remembered “dust devils” ­under my bed. Not much value there. We vigorously shook out the dust mop, glad to be rid of the dust.

But my friend was not telling me I was worthless. She was concerned that I was too busy and not taking care of myself properly. Our text says that too, doesn’t it? The Lord is caring. God is like a father who has compassion on his children. He knows our frailty; he knows how we are formed. The God who took dust and breathed into it the gift of life reminds us that he is willing and able to meet our needs out of the riches of grace in his Son, our Saviour.

My elderly friend was blunt, but she was very caring and loving. And she was right. I needed her visit and the reminder that I am dust. It’s my reality. The Lord compassionately remembers it, and I’m trying to remember it too, with thanks!

Prayer Thank you, Lord, for mak­ing us in your image. Remember us in our needs and refashion us in your likeness through Christ. In his strong name we pray. Amen.

For a Heart Open to God’s Word

God, as you gave us the sun to lighten our days, so you have given us your Word to lighten our minds and our souls. I pray that you will pour out on me your Spirit as I pray today, that my heart and mind may be opened to your Word, and that I may learn and accept your will for my life.

Shine within my heart, loving God, the pure light of your divine knowledge; open the eyes of my mind and the ears of my heart to receive your Word, this day and always, Amen.

For others who are struggling

Gracious God, let us never forget, as daily life becomes more difficult and restrictions cause annoyance, that there are many for whom this has been normality for years;
affected by long-term drought or destructive storms; struggling in poverty, or through violence forced to adopt the life of refugee. May we remember to be thankful for what we have and work together selflessly for all who need our help. We pray in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Closing Prayer

And finally, grant me O Lord, I pray, the lamp of charity which never fails, that it may burn in me and shed its light on those around me, and that by its brightness I may share a vision of that holy City, where dwells the true and never-failing Light, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.