North Queensferry Church

2nd. August. 2022. Daily Devotions.

Jesus said to his disciples: ‘The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which someone found and hid; then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. ‘Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls; on finding one pearl of great value, he went and sold all that he had and bought it.’ Matthew 13:44-46

Here we have two single-sentence parables that contain guidance on making the right choice. Each short parable speaks of something that is of great value, and that can only be acquired at great personal cost. In fact, the treasure and the pearl of great value can only be acquired following the sacrifice of everything deemed to be of value in this world.

Why should anyone make such a sacrifice? The treasure and the pearl may be of immense value, but what good can they be if all else is gone? How can one live and flourish as the possessor of just one valuable item?

Too often, we spend our time using our fallible and inadequate human wisdom to reach poor and ill-informed decisions. Too often the decisions we make focus on our acquisition of wealth. Today, Jesus is reminding us that there is something of much higher value than worldly wealth and possessions. How can the Kingdom of Heaven stand comparison with anything in this world? In his parables Jesus speaks of “treasure” and a “pearl of great value”, but he is only using words and images we can comprehend to describe something way beyond our understanding, and of infinitely great value. Kirby Vale Churches.

Father help us to make right choices in our lives, remembering that the Kingdom of heaven is the greatest treasure we can acquire. Amen.

O God, from whom to be turned is to fall, to whom to be turned is to rise,
and in whom to stand is to abide for ever: Grant us in all our duties your help,
in all our perplexities your guidance, in all our dangers your protection, and in all our sorrows your peace. Through Jesus Christ our lord. Amen. May God enfold you in his love and guide you in his ways, today and every day.  Amen Prayer from Canterbury Cathedral.

God of glory, present in all places and filling all things, treasury of blessings and source of life: come and dwell with us, cleanse us from all sin and grant us your salvation. Amen. Liturgy of St John Chrysostom (5th century)

Compassionate God, we are sorry when we fail to see ourselves and others in the light of your love. Transform our inner hostility into hospitality so that we may be ready to welcome you in friend and stranger. Help us to remember that you call all people to eat at your table, and that being chosen by you does not imply exclusion of others, but that your love extends to every human being, and your arms are always open. Amen.

Bless the hands that bring wholeness to lives blighted by sickness. Bless the saints who in sad and desperate places bring a sense of hopefulness. Bless the Christians facing daily opposition showing a faithful witness. Bless the generosity of the rich and powerful for the gift of thoughtfulness. Bless the peacemakers working in conditions that are often hazardous. Bless the politicians whether good or bad for decisions affecting all of us. Bless our words and actions as we carry your light into places shrouded in darkness. Bless your children whoever they might be with the warmth of your love and grace. Amen. J. Birch