North Queensferry Church

31st. August. 2020. Daily Devotion.

And this is love: that we walk in obedience to his commands. As you have heard from the beginning, his command is that you walk in love. ~ 2 John 1:6

As Christians, we are held to a whole new set of standards, in our daily life.

What exactly are God’s standards? God’s standard is love – true, unobstructed, unbiased, limitless love! If we were to love Him with even a small degree of that love, we would automatically strive to live in His will. When we love someone, we want to spend time with them. Reading the Bible, attending church, going to a Bible study, praying, and meditating are ways to get to know Him better. Listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit will help us to know God better.

Spending time with God will motivate us to set our standards on a higher plane. When we hear His gentle whispers, we will begin to aim for obedience. We will be more aware of things, such as: our language, our attitudes, the pride we hold in our heart, intolerance we have for others, our stinginess, our lack of faith, our anger, our impatience, our addictions, and many other things.

This process of setting new standards, is built on love. That is the foundation of our faith. Without love, striving for higher standards is a moot point. We can work tirelessly for the Lord, but if love is absent, we gain no value. God does not want our service; He wants our love. The Bible clearly says of these three: faith, hope, and love; the most important is love. Love trumps all! Our standards will automatically rise out of our increasing love for Christ and others. JC.

A Song of Praise based on Psalm 8

O Lord my God, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens. When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, who am I that you are mindful of me, who are any of us that you should guide and protect us?

Yet you have made us in your image, a little lower than the angels, and crowned us with glory and honour we do not deserve. You have given us dominion over the works of your hands and put the earth beneath our feet; you have given us dominion over the beasts of the field, the birds of the heavens, and the fish of the sea. O Lord my God, I praise you for your gifts to me. How majestic is your name in all the earth! Amen.

Prayer to honour others

God our Father, you call each of us by name, and you treasure each of us individually as though no-one else exists. Inspire me to respect and value each person who comes into my life this day. Teach me to recognize your face in the people you put into my life. Let me recognize the duties and responsibilities that come with the gifts you have given me so freely, and inspire me to live in such a way that I always give of my best and be welcoming and generous towards others. In Christ’s name I pray, Amen.

Compassionate God, your Son gives rest to those weary with heavy burdens. Heal the sick in body, mind, and spirit. Lift up the depressed. Befriend those who grieve. Comfort the anxious. Stand with all victims of abuse and violence. Uphold those who live with addiction. Fill us all with your Holy Spirit that we may bear each other’s burdens and so fulfil the law of Christ. God of mercy hear our prayer. Amen.

Jesus Christ, the Great Physician

God of compassion, you have given us Jesus Christ, the great physician, who made the broken whole and healed the sick. Touch our wounds, relieve our hurts, and restore us to wholeness of life, through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen


The blessing of the Lord rest and remain upon all his people, in every land, of every tongue; the Lord meet in mercy all that seek him; the Lord comfort all who suffer and mourn; the Lord hasten his coming, and give us, his people, the blessing of peace, this day and always. Amen.