North Queensferry Church

4th. January. 2022. Daily Devotion.

At that time Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee and was baptised by John in the Jordan. 10 Just as Jesus was coming up out of the water, he saw heaven being torn open and the Spirit descending on him like a dove. 11 And a voice came from heaven: ‘You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.’ Mark 1:9-11

We might think that the world-changing and history-making beginning of Jesus’ ministry would begin with a major announcement. We might expect that this would come out as a big deal—like when a nation’s president or prime minister is elected.

But the heavenly declaration that opens Jesus’ ministry is rather low key. It is also rather private—Jesus hadn’t yet gathered any disciples or followers to witness this event.

What’s more, the heavenly power does not swoop in like a great eagle with exposed talons. Instead it is described as gently arriving like a dove. The Spirit of God, who had hovered over the waters of creation (Genesis 1:2), similarly graces the person of Jesus, giving us a sign that a new creation is getting under way and that this new effort will also be good, very good. Here in Mark we are given the heavenly insight that Jesus is the unique and truly loved Son with whom God is well pleased.

No matter what you think of yourself, here is a wonderful hint: God has come into the world with the loving intention of bringing about a new creation that includes you. What in your life needs to be re-created by the transformation and blessing of Jesus Christ? Jesus himself declares in verse 15: “The time has come . . .  The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!” D. MacLeod.

Thank you, God, for introducing me to Jesus and including me in what Jesus came to do. Help me to live as part of his new creation. Amen.

Thank you that you make all things new. Thank you for all that you’ve allowed into our lives this past year, the good along with the hard things, which have reminded us how much we need you and rely on your presence filling us every single day.

We pray for your Spirit to lead us each step of this New Year. We ask you to guide our decisions and turn our hearts to desire you more than anything else that our lives may unfold with your grace and love through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Prayer for the 11th Day of Christmas

remember the birth of Jesus, that we may share in the song of the angels, the gladness of the shepherds, and worship of the wise men.

Close the door of hate and open the door of love all over the world. Let kindness come with every gift and good desires with every greeting. Deliver us from evil by the blessing which Christ brings and teach us to be merry with clear hearts.

May the Christmas morning make us happy to be thy children, and Christmas evening bring us to our beds with grateful thoughts, forgiving and forgiven, for Jesus’ sake. Amen. ~ by Robert Louis Stevenson

Prayer for people whose lives are difficult

Heavenly Lord, weaver of life and cementer of relationships, we pray that you will weave us into your goodness and into each other. Give us grace we pray, to follow closely in the way of your Son by offering a place of belonging at your table to immigrants, to people who are homeless, to people seeking asylum and to all who find themselves on the margins of our society. Help us, Lord, to offer all who need it a new and safe place in which to be. In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen.