North Queensferry Church

4th. June. 2021. Daily Devotion.

16 Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 17 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. 2 Corinthians 4:16-18

There is a point in your life when despair sets in, when you realize that your dreams may never come true. For men, much of our identity revolves around accomplishment. The older we get, the more we realize that opportunities to reach our goals are running out. We fail at living up to the expectations we set for ourselves, the same expectations that the world sets for a successful man. We are told that the measure of a man is his ability to provide for himself and his family. We cannot control the circumstances of life or most of our limitations as human beings. We are set up for failure from the outset.

But our life is not about circumstances, it is about something inside us. Nothing can change the work God does in the hearts of men and women who serve him. Though outwardly we waste away, as Paul says, we are renewed deep in the core of who we are by a God who loves us more than anything, if we will only go his way and find our value in him. The path that Jesus took led to suffering and loss, but also the greatest fulfilment imaginable. We are called to follow him through the same hardships, and then onward to the same destiny.

Nothing can change the glory that awaits those who put their trust in him. Paul himself was beaten and persecuted, but he found his value in his Lord and Saviour. It was because of that trust, and the all-surpassing power of God through him, that he was able to find joy and purpose in the middle of the worst situations of life. He goes so far as to call these “light and momentary troubles.” It is true, in light of eternity. The disappointments of this life will mean nothing on that day when we stand with Jesus. We must fix our eyes on that day, not on troubles that are temporary. Michael Cranford

Fill me with your hope and love as I travel this journey, Lord. Cause me to seek your face in the middle of whatever difficulties I will face in the years ahead. Bring joy to me as I remember that none of this will matter on the day I stand with you. Amen.

Prayer for Renewal

As I start this day, oh Lord, I wonder: How will this day be different from any other day? Has my faith in you grown into a stale routine, or will I grow this day, closer to you than I have ever been?

Shake me up, Holy God! Rattle the door of my cage, set off my smoke detector, ring my doorbell until I answer the door! Let me read your Word until something new sinks in; let me pray until I hear your voice, until all smugness has given way to gratitude. By the power of your Holy Spirit, renew me afresh in your Word and power, today and every day, energizing me in your great commission. In Christ’s name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer to Treat Others Well

Father, thank you for bringing me into your family. May I never disappoint you in the way I treat others. Teach me to show love, patience, and acceptance to all who come to me; let me show peace of soul and firm conviction that your will governs all. And I pray that others may see in me the qualities of character that can only be attributed to your presence in my life.

Make my life a window for your light to shine through and a mirror to reflect your love to all I meet. To you be the glory and the honour, forever and ever, through Jesus my Lord. Amen.