North Queensferry Church

4th. October. 2022. Daily Devotions.

18 Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall. 19 Better to be lowly in spirit along with the oppressed than to share plunder with the proud. Proverbs 16:18-19

The same two kinds of pride show up in many languages. Both kinds have to do with being majestic or exalted in some way. One kind of pride is good—for example, when parents view the development of their children as remarkable. But the other kind of pride is very bad.

Throughout Proverbs we read about the good development that can happen when someone pursues wisdom. True wisdom is gained through God. And even though a wise person can go through many ups and downs in life, the wisdom they’ve gained will help to hold their life together.

But beware of trying to keep it all together on your own. Beware of the pride that makes you think that anything you built on your own is worth more. Or that because you built it by yourself you won’t need anyone’s help to hold it together. Or, most dangerous of all, that because you have been self-sufficient, you are a greater person than people who have relied on others.

That kind of pride leads to destruction. Poetically this verse is saying that if you have built something without God, then it isn’t built very well. It’s not built to last. Sooner or later, the so-called majestic life you built without God will simply fall apart. S. De Vries.

Father God, keep us from the foolish pride that prompts us to build our lives on the rickety version of success prized by this world. Amen.

To Live in God’s Presence
Dear God, I know you are with me now. I know you are with me any time I call on you, or even think about you. Let me remember, every minute of every day, that you are with me, watching me, ready to help, protecting my soul even when the things of this world give me pain. Let my every minute be lived in your presence. Let my every action be an offering of love to you. Let my every word be a prayer. Amen.

Almighty and most merciful God, you have given us a new commandment,
that we should love one another. Give us grace to fulfil it. Make us gentle, courteous and kind. Direct our lives and help us to be aware of the needs of others, that together we may grow in love and live in peace. Through Jesus Christ our lord. Amen. From Canterbury Cathedral.

A Prayer for Troubled Times
O God, help us please to understand and to act. The world has had so many tragedies in recent months. We struggle to see good some days. The news is inescapable, at times; coming even into our pockets and purses. The bad news is broadcast on screens, in every public space it seems. We look for peace and rest. We struggle and try to see good in our society. It feels some days like everything is gone we once counted on. Please God, give us strength and resolve, to remember that every small act of kindness matters. Help us to rely on you and your word, and not on the media and leaders who are weak. Please guide us and strengthen us to do your will. We pray Lord, you will forgive us for our pettiness, And help us to remember and follow your Son, our Saviour, Who died on the cross. Amen

 A Prayer for Healing Atrocities
Lord God, the blood of the innocent does not lie idle. It calls out to You for vengeance, for the life of all is in the blood. Lord, put an end to the shedding of innocent blood around the world. Destroy the schemes of the wicked who monger after war and create conflict. Quench the insatiable fire of the greedy and murderous, for these people will not inherit Your kingdom and world to come. Hear our heartfelt cry, Lord. Amen.

May God be near to defend you, within you to refresh you and around you to preserve you, today and always. Amen.