North Queensferry Church

5th. November. 2021. Daily Devotion.

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.”  Matthew 5:9

As Christians, we are not only forgiven but also adopted into a new spiritual family. And in this beatitude, Jesus reminds us that an essential part of being God’s children is to act as peacemakers wherever we go. We are called to model the generous and undeserved love of the Father in our relationships with everyone. Just as Jesus came with a ministry of reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5), we are called to be reconcilers in our workplaces, families, neighbourhoods, and marketplaces.

In the face of fragmented cultures and political divisions, this is no easy calling. Peace-making is hard, tedious, often thankless work. And yet Jesus assures us that when we make the effort, we are living as children of God.

Father, help me to be a peacemaker in all of my relationships. Forgive me when my speech or actions foster division and help me to work for reconciliation and unity at every opportunity. Amen.

Thanks for God’s Word

I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that the things which were hidden from the wise and prudent, and which many prophets and kings desired to see and could not, are revealed unto us babes in your written Word. I thank you that I have the Scriptures to search, and that they testify of Christ, for in them I can find eternal life.

I thank you, Father, for the preservation of your teachings through time. Despite the constant efforts of men to destroy or change them, through them I might find patience, and hope, and truth, and life. And having learned so much, I thank you that I can hear with my ears your wonderful works, the testimony of the earth and the spirit, like a light shining in darkness. In Christ’s name, I pray and render you thanks, Amen.

Prayer to Relinquish Shame

Oh Lord Christ, by your death and resurrection you have made forgiveness for my sin possible; and having confessed and repented of my sin, let me have confidence in your forgiveness.

Let me not be ashamed; for to feel shame at my sin is to doubt your power. Rather fill me with faith in my salvation, that I may boldly praise your name before all the world and live in love and constant growth in your Spirit and holiness. Amen.

For Those Who Are Bereaved

Holy God, Lord of life and death, you made us in your image and hold us in your care. We thank you for your servant N., for the gift of her/his life, and for the love and mercy she/he received from you and gave to us. Especially we praise you for your love in Jesus Christ, who died and rose from the grave to free us from death and give us life eternal. Grant that when our time on earth is ended, we may be united with all the saints in the joy of your eternal home, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. ~Book of Common Worship PCUSA