6th. July. 2021. Daily Devotion.
He shall judge between the nations and shall decide disputes for many peoples; and they shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore. ~ Isaiah 2:4
Imagine you are climbing up the mountain of the Lord. As you start the path is wide with beautiful trees and flowers along the way. You fill your lungs with the cool, clean air. As you continue you notice the path is becoming narrow and steep. There seem to be more rocks sticking up from the ground. You find yourself a little out of breath as the air becomes thinner the higher you climb. You decide to rest on a large rock to catch your breath. You look up the path to see how much more you need to climb. You see someone in the distance. He’s looking at you. It looks like his hand is waving for you to come. Though you are alone, you are not afraid. In fact, you feel a pull, a desire to go this person.
You are standing in front of him. He is dressed in long robes that are moving gently in the mountain air. He smiles at you and asks, “What are you seeking on this path?” What do you say to him? What are you seeking?
“I am the prophet, Isaiah. This is the mountain of the Lord. It is rich with life and dreams. What dreams do you bring to this place?” What are the dreams you bring to this mountain? What are your dreams that you want to share with the Lord?
Isaiah looks at you with eyes that know how to dream. “My dreams beat swords into ploughshares. They are dreams of peace, of life, of hope.” What are the swords in your heart that need to be changed? What are the swords that wound you and hold you back from dreaming and from climbing the mountain of the Lord? Give those swords to Isaiah, the prophet, the dreamer. Ask him to help you change them into something life-giving.
“I will change your swords into ploughshares so you can till the soil of your soul and know that God is with you. Are you ready for this dream to be real?” You look into the eyes of this dreamer, Isaiah, and you say, Yes. Yes, I am ready. Isaiah smiles at you and takes your hand in his. He looks at you with eyes filled deep with hope and life. He understands you. “Come,” he says, “let us walk in the light of the Lord!”
Lord, let me find the swords in my heart and bring them to you, to be reshaped. Amen. ~ Ignatius of Loyola
Prayer for Goodness
Lord, save me alike from foolish Pride or impious Discontent,
At anything thy wisdom has denied, or anything that goodness lent.
Teach me to feel another’s woe, to right the fault I see:
That mercy I to others show, that mercy show to me.
Mean tho’ I am, not wholly so, since quicken’d by thy breath;
O lead me whereso’er I go, thro’ this day’s life or death! Amen. ~ from Universal Prayer by Alexander Pope
Rejoice in the Shepherd
Let us raise our voices together,
In thanksgiving to the Lord.
Let the mountains echo with the joyful sound,
With the voices of all the brothers and sisters.
We who follow Him are blessed,
For even though we might stumble,
We might bruise our feet and callus our palms,
He will not let us be lost like orphaned lambs.
We share the knowledge of the Shepherd,
It is He that sustains us and heals our wounds.
He brings us always back to the fold,
To rejoice and to serve Him.
There are stones on the path of life,
There are thistles that slow us,
But always His words are like the sweet water,
That flows in the burn.
Our God is a loving God,
Much joy can be shared in the knowledge,
He will always be with us.
He will not leave us in darkness.
Give thanks to the Shepherd,
Who never forsakes,
Who always abides,
In our hearts and in our minds. Amen.
Hymn by Beth Maxwell Boyle