North Queensferry Church

7th. October. 2022. Daily Devotions.

“Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.”  Luke 12:15

I didn’t think I was greedy until I read this passage again. Jesus warns us to watch out for all kinds of greed. The kind of greed I usually thought about had to do with very wealthy people wanting more. But Jesus doesn’t focus on that kind of greed here.

In the context of this passage, a man is arguing with his brother over their inheritance. The family has enough to hand down, but Jesus sees that this man is still worried if he will truly have enough. He is greedy not for luxury but for security. Ouch! I didn’t even know that kind of greed ­existed. But many of us have it. We want a little bit more so that we don’t have to worry.

Jesus points us away from greed based on worry. So long as we aim to live God’s way, aligning ourselves with God’s purpose for us in this world (seeking his kingdom), and so long as it is not yet time for our heavenly inheritance, God will give us what we need to live for him each day. Wanting more than that is a type of greed. And that will distract us from fully living the life of joy and peace we are created for. So let’s repent and learn to let go of our worry-based greed.
~ S De Vries.

Creator and Provider, we exist because you want us to. Forgive us for trying to build our own security. Our worries cost this world too much.  Amen.

Open our eyes, O God, to behold your presence round about us. Let us be anxious for nothing, save the doing of your will and the assurance that all things are possible to us in your Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.
~ Richard Meux Benson (1824–1915)

To Be Grateful 

Lord God, may we be grateful for our lot, and compassionate toward all those who are suffering every kind of distress at this difficult time. May we hold back nothing and hasten to be the ministers of prayer and mercy, like the disciples of Him who went about doing good in times of need. Amen

For My Enemies

O God, the Father of all, whose Son commanded us to love our enemies: Lead me from anger, prejudice, and selfish pride to acceptance, love, truth, and sympathy for all people, and especially those who would be my enemies in this life; and if it is your will, enlighten those who hate me, and bring them into your holy truth, that they may find you. Deliver all of us from hatred, cruelty and revenge; and in your good time enable us all to stand reconciled before you; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

The day of Pentecost has ended.
The tongues are quiet
The fire has faded
The prophet is silent
The crowd has dispersed
The first converts have gone

But the believers live on.

Yet sometimes we feel empty
In need of your indwelling.
Trouble us again with your noisy presence.
Challenge our contentment.
Stir us by your Spirit.

We pray for a new Pentecost
For welcoming worship rich with your presence.

We pray for a new Pentecost
For a learning, growing church.

We pray for a new Pentecost
For compassion fired by passion.

We pray for a new Pentecost
For more disciples of Jesus Christ.

Send your Spirit Amen.