North Queensferry Church

9th. September. 2021. Daily Devotion.

My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jewish leaders. But now my kingdom is from another place. ~ John 18:36

The accent of Jesus’ own preaching falls on the announcement of the gospel of the kingdom. He declares that the kingdom has come with power and is in the midst of His people. At His ascension, Jesus commanded His disciples to be His witnesses in the world. They are to witness to the reign of Jesus as King of Kings. Jesus’ current status as cosmic King is invisible. The world is either ignorant of His sovereignty or denies it. It is the task of the church to give visible witness to the invisible kingdom.

Jesus inaugurated the kingdom of God. He has already been enthroned in heaven. But it is as though He is a King in exile with few loyal subjects. At His return He will fully consummate His reign.

The New Testament indicates that the kingdom of God is both present and future. There is an “already” and a “not yet” to the kingdom. Both aspects must be understood and embraced by Christians. To view the kingdom either as already totally realized or as totally futuristic is to do violence to the message of the New Testament. We serve a King who has already been enthroned. Yet we await His triumphal return in glory when every knee will bow before Him.

Lord, guide me in every way, that I might be prepared for the coming of your Kingdom. Amen. ~ R. C. Sproul, from “Essential Truths of the Christian Faith”

Thanks for the Word of God

I thank you, loving God, that we have the Scriptures to search, given by your inspiration in total truth, that we might gain the profit of salvation from them. I give thanks for all those who toiled to preserve your Word for our learning. I give thanks that through the patience and comfort of the Bible we may have hope: a light of prophecy and truth, as sure as a bright star in the darkness, leading us to Christ. And I give thanks that on the most ordinary day, both I and any other person who seeks you may hear in our own tongue the mighty works you have done. Amen.

Prayer for the Day

Holy God, who taught the hearts of all faithful people by sending to them the light of your Holy Spirit; Grant me by the same Spirit to be guided in my work today, and in my every thought and deed and in everything I say. Let my decisions be wise and holy, and my ears open to your wisdom. And let me always be open to change; unstop my ears and soften my heart, so that I can learn your way better and better every hour of this day. I pray in the name of my beloved Lord, Jesus Christ, Amen.

Choices in good times and in difficult times

God our Father, in good times may we live in such a way that we will be strengthened for the difficult times that all of us face in our lives. Lead us now to make positive choices to value friendship and loyalty, and develop attitudes and values, treasuring all that is lasting and important. Throughout difficult times may we build on the positive choices of our past, looking outward in the service of others and avoiding self-pity. May we  grow in the faith that, whatever our circumstances, we need have no regrets but may entrust our past to your mercy, our present to your love, and our future to your Providence. Amen