North Queensferry Church

8th. January. 2021. Daily Devotion.

What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him. ~ 1 Corinthians 2:9

I used to think— Loving life so greatly—
That to die would be
Like leaving a party
Before the end.
Now I know that the party
Is really happening
Somewhere else;
That the light and the music—
Escaping in snatches
To make the pulse beat
And the tempo quicken—
Come from a long way Away.

And I know too
That when I get there
The music will never End.

Lord, let me always remember that the joy of heaven will be greater than anything known on earth. Amen. ~ Evangeline Paterson

Prayer at Daybreak

O Lord Eternal and Creator of all things, who with your unknowable goodness called me to this life; I have no life, no light, no joy or wisdom, no strength except in you, O God. I entreat you, teach me to pray aright. Purify me from all taint of flesh and spirit. Bless this day which you give to me, your unworthy servant. By the power of your blessing enable me, throughout this day, to speak and act to your glory with a pure spirit, with humility, patience, love, gentleness, peace, courage and wisdom. Let me be always aware of your presence. By the power of your love, grant me to hold fast to that which is good. Preserve me from every word or deed that corrupts the soul from every impulse unpleasing in your sight and hurtful to my fellow man, my brothers and sisters. This in Christ’s name, I pray, Amen. ~ Archimandrite Sophronios (Sergei Sakharov)

Prayer for Strength

Holy Lord God let me always remember your words, that we should put on your armour and be strong, not in our own power, but in the strength of your might. Help me to stop calling on my own power and learn to call upon the power of your Spirit, that dwells always within me and loves me, and waits only to be called. Embolden and empower me to fight evil wherever I may find it, and to tell the world of your grace in Christ Jesus. Amen.

Prayer in Time of Fear and Uncertainty

You call us to speak to you in prayer– even when the places we would usually go to are not available. Help us to know your Spirit’s presence wherever we pray.
Today we especially pray for those who are living in fear – give them your strength.
For those who have not yet realised the urgency of the situation – protect them, and all of us from harm. Today I especially wish to pray for ……. In the name of Jesus.  Amen. The Rev’d Paul Wood, Methodist Church minister