22nd. January. 2021. Daily Devotion.
44 ‘The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.
45 ‘Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. 46 When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it. Matthew 13:44-46
We all struggle with the belief that we are inherently valuable. We look to something external to affirm us, to give us hope that we deserve good things in life. Most of us end up feeling empty, uncertain that our lives mean much. We doubt we have some greater purpose than to simply enjoy ourselves as much as we can. We support the same process that devalues us.
The meaning of our lives cannot ultimately be found in externals; our successes can end in failure; our triumphs can be reversed. Our closest relationships can fall apart. They can, and they do.
Our lives have value because they are valuable to our Lord. If the Creator of the universe would die in our place, for the joy of spending eternity with us, then we have infinite value. In Matthew 13, Jesus tells a series of parables which reveal aspects of the kingdom of heaven. In the parables, there is a surprise in each story—something unexpected—and it is that thing that Jesus uses to change us, if we will accept his words. In the two short parables listed above, he tells the story of a man in search of something of great value. When he finds it, he gives everything he has to buy it.
In context, starting with earlier parables, we learn that the man depicted is Jesus, the Son of Man. After sharing the parable of the weeds (Matt 13:24-29), Jesus explains this reference to the disciples (vv. 37-38). He also explains that the field is symbolic of the world. When we come to the parable of the treasure hidden in the field, for which a man gives up everything to purchase it, we are offered an insight into the heart of God.
The man is Jesus. What he gave up was his life. The treasure hidden in the field is you.
Thank you for reminding me of how valuable I am, as one of your children, Lord. Thank you for cleansing me of my sins and planning a purpose for me here on earth and in eternity, with you. Amen. ~ Michael Cranford (edited)
Prayer to Do God’s Will
Lord God, Father Almighty who created me and everything I see and enjoy, blessed and beautiful Jesus, love of my heart, bounteous Holy Spirit of God who is with me to comfort me whenever I ask, I thank you for all that I am and all that I have had in my life. Thy will be done, my God. I ask only that you let me know your will for me, for I am often confused or conflicted, and I seek your guidance.
Knowing your will for me, let me be anxious for nothing. And I pray for the strength, the power and the energy, to accomplish your purpose. All glory be to you, one God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, who was before time and will be forever, Amen.
A Prayer for Civil Unity
Jesus, my Saviour, thank you for my country. I bring before You the many divisions and factions which beset us. I bring to You the divisive politics and civil disputes that stir strife among us. I pray for the government; give them the wisdom to lead well and to secure peaceful lives for their citizens. Help them to make t decisions that promote harmony and peace. May You bring unity and prosperity to the nations of the world. Lord may this and every country turn to You for its hope. I ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.
“The Lord brings the counsel of the nations to nothing.”~ Psalm 33:10
Pandemic Prayer
Sometimes Lord I simply get tired of waiting
for things to get back to normal.
How long more?
Then I remember the well-known plea
in the words of psalm 13.
How long O Lord?
Will you forget me forever?
How long will you hide your face from me?
But I read on and hear the psalmist sing,
“How good our God has been to me.”
Yes, despite it all I am blessed
in so many other ways. Amen — By a Columban Missionary