17th. May. 2021. Daily Devotion.
21 Since my people are crushed, I am crushed; I mourn, and horror grips me.
22 Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there?
Why then is there no healing for the wound of my people? Jeremiah 21-22
Think of a time when you have seen someone you love reject the medicine or treatment that would help to make them well. It’s really painful to watch, though sometimes not much can be done except to cry out to God.
That is what Jeremiah is doing in this passage. Jeremiah was a prophet sent by God to call his people to receive the healing that only God could provide. But the people would not turn back to God.
As part of the lament, Jeremiah asks a question full of sadness: “Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there?” Even though Jeremiah asks this question, he knows the answer: there is a cure.
The area of Gilead in ancient Israel was famous for its healing balm that came from the local trees. Much of the medicine we use today is also derived from leaves and bark. For example, aspirin comes from salicylic acid, which is found in willow trees. But Jeremiah is also saying that even though Gilead is full of healing trees, the real healer is God himself.
In an old spiritual hymn, “There Is a Balm in Gilead,” the writer reverses Jeremiah’s question into a statement, and the conclusion of the song is that not only is there a healing balm, but the balm is the Spirit of God, who revives our souls again.
Lord our God, sometimes we don’t know what to do to help the people we love. We see their mistakes, and it breaks our hearts. Help them to turn to you so that they can receive your healing love. We know you are the healer of everything and everyone. In your name we pray. Amen.
Prayer for Patience
Sometimes I wonder, Lord, why you allow so much evil in our world.
I wonder now why in this pandemic there is so much suffering.
But, of course, I remember how you suffered to forgive us
so that we might share in the life you promised.
Enable me to imitate your patience,
and accept with confidence, that you promised life
to the full even in the midst of suffering. Amen.
For Those in Medical Services Merciful
God, your healing power is everywhere about us. Strengthen those who work among the sick; give them courage and confidence in everything they do. Encourage them when their efforts seem futile or when death prevails. Increase their trust in your power even to overcome death and pain and crying. May they be thankful for every sign of health you give, and humble before the mystery of your healing grace, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Book of Common Worship PCUSA
Count Your Blessings”
Count your blessings, not your crosses;
Count your gains instead of losses.
Count your joys instead of woes;
Count your friends instead of foes.
Count your smiles instead of tears;
Count your courage, not your fears.
Count full years instead lean;
Count kind deeds instead of mean.
Count your health instead of wealth;
Love your neighbour as yourself.