North Queensferry Church

13th. July. 2021. Daily Devotion.

I have calmed and quieted myself, I am like a weaned child with its mother; like a weaned child I am content. — Psalm 131:2

So many psalms are about battles, doubts, and trouble, or about thanks, joy, and praise to God in worship. But this psalm is different, much quieter.

Instead of portraying a king celebrating a victory or a priest leading worship in the temple, this psalm pictures a young child consoled and comforted by its mother. Think of a child who fell and skinned a knee and now, having been soothed and comforted, is able to fall asleep in its mother’s arms. In a way like that child, the psalmist is humble and at peace, not haughty or concerned with great matters, able to rest and trust in God’s comforting care.

God’s promises and care are indeed what calm and quiet our souls, like a toddler safe in the comfort of its mother’s embrace. The promise here is that when I fall down and get hurt, or even cry out my frustration in a tantrum, God will be there to pick me up and say, “There, there; it’s alright.”

I experience that quiet comfort when I read this psalm and picture myself in the lap of my God, soothed, comforted, and at peace like a little child.

I experience that quiet comfort when I read Jesus’ words: “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid” (John 14:27). In what ways does God comfort you? T. Leunk.

Prayer Lord, calm our thoughts and quiet our souls. Jesus, help us to rest and be at peace with you. Amen.

The Heart of a Child

Grant me this day, O God, the heart of a child,
Pure and transparent as a spring A simple heart, which never harbours sorrows;
A heart glorious in self-giving,
tender in compassion;
A heart faithful and generous,
which will never forget any good
or bear a grudge for any evil.

Make me a heart gentle and humble,
loving without asking any return,
large-hearted and undauntable,
which no ingratitude can sour
and no indifference can weary;
a heart penetrated by the love of Jesus
whose desire will only be satisfied in heaven.

Grant me, O Lord, the mind and heart of your dear Son. Amen.

~ translated from an old French prayer, ca. 1880

To Be Grateful

Lord God, may we be grateful for our lot, and compassionate toward all those who are suffering every kind of distress at this difficult time. May we hold back nothing, and hasten to be the ministers of prayer and mercy, like the disciples of Him who went about doing good in times of need. Amen

Your Love Overcomes All

Lord you are my light and my salvation.
Whom or what should we fear?
As we hear in Paul’s letter to the Romans,
nothing that exists not any power nor any created thing
can come between us and the love of God
made visible in Christ Jesus our Lord.
At this time of distress and anxiety,
help us, Lord, to trust that your love overcomes all. Amen.