1st. October. 2021. Daily Devotion.
For you know the generous act of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, so that by His poverty you might become rich. ~ 2 Corinthians 8:9
Jesus left His rich home in heaven, so that through His sacrifice, we could become rich. Our riches may not have a monetary value, but our riches come from His wealth of love, peace, comfort, joy, forgiveness, and life everlasting. We can still have our mansion though, as He is preparing one for us in heaven. This can only mean things beyond our understanding that God has in store for us.
Dear Saviour, Thank you for leaving your riches in heaven, and becoming poor, so that we could become rich. Your great love amazes me. Amen
Prayer to Resist Temptation
Holy God, You know the temptations that I am facing today. But your Word promises that I will not be tempted beyond what I can bear.
Help me, heavenly Father, to stand up against sin, to resist whatever temptation I may encounter this day, in whatever form it may come. Your Word promises that you will provide a way out of any temptation, and I pray to be able to find it and to have the wisdom to use it, and to walk away when temptation arises. All thanks be to you, O Lord, for you are a faithful deliverer; and I can count on your help in my time of need. Amen.
Remember that everyone you meet is afraid of something, loves
Seeing and loving in others what you see and love in them
God our Father, the qualities I see lived out so well in some people are a reflection of your own goodness, and I know that I have much to learn from other people who reflect your image and likeness Gen 126 in different ways. Inspire me to respect others fully as my equals, seeing and loving in them what you see and love in them.
Dear Father in heaven, we long to be your children and to grow closer and closer to eternal life with all its goodness and truth. In your love to us your children, bless us as we walk on earth under great stress and temptation. Keep us from going astray and let what you have placed in our hearts grow toward perfection, to your glory and your honour. May our hearts always know the joy that our struggle and suffering are not in vain, that if we are faithful, we may bring forth the fruit of righteousness. Amen.
Gracious Lord, I pray that I may have reverence for that which is pure and holy, and that my soul may delight in the presence of the good. Help me to so live that I may have the memory of precious deeds, and that I may not have to depend on the service of others to supply contentment for my closing days. Amen.
“Many of our troubles are God dragging us, and they would end if we would stand upon our feet and go whither he would have us.” ~ Henry Ward Beecher.