A thought for Sunday. 3rd.October. 2021.
The New Commandment
I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another.
~ John 13:34
John 13 not only tells us about the love that should occupy our heart for one another but shows us what that love looks like. 1 Corinthians 13 is known as the love chapter in the Bible, but in my opinion John 13 is another love chapter, as Jesus demonstrates to us, love in action. This was a lesson not only for the disciples, but for us.
The book of John makes it very clear from the beginning to the end, that Jesus was in God, and God was in Him. The same God who created the world, was manifested in flesh through Jesus Christ. This is a very important point to this message.
His act of love in this chapter of John, was the washing of the feet of His disciples. The main character in this scene, besides Jesus, was Simon Peter who had quite a dialog with Jesus, but I want us to look at another disciple. I want us to look at Judas Iscariot. At the beginning of this chapter we learn that Satan had already planted a seed in the heart of Judas, to betray Jesus. Jesus knew this, and mentioned several times, that one of them would betray Him.
Now think on this, Jesus took off His robe, put a towel around His waist, knelt down on the floor, and washed the dirty, stinky feet of His disciples. He humbled himself as a servant. When He got to Judas, He did not look up to him with disdain, or pass him by, but instead, God in the flesh, humbly washed Judas’ feet with care. He wiped his feet dry using His towel around His waist, with love in His heart. He might have even looked into Judas’ eyes and conveyed His compassion knowing the pain that Judas would bear after his betrayal. You see, He always loved the man whom He created. His opponent was not Judas, it was Satan.
In verse 11 Jesus said, “Not all of you are clean.” In verse 18 He said, “The one who ate my bread has lifted his heel against me.” Now the third time Jesus mentioned this in verse 21, He was very troubled, and He said, “Very truly, I tell you, one of you will betray me.” Jesus knew all along who it was.
Jesus dipped the bread and handed it to Judas, to reveal the one He had indicated as the betrayer. Jesus words were, “Do quickly what you are going to do.” Jesus was not talking to Judas. He was speaking to Satan, who had taken full control of Judas. Jesus still loved the man, Judas. His enemy was always Satan.
We probably all know someone, who is controlled by Satan. Could we have loved like Jesus, and humbled ourselves before the very person who is plotting against us? We do not need to subject ourselves to the abuse of a person who is controlled by Satan, but we need to love and pray for that person, from a distance, if mental and physical safety is a personal concern. We need to always remember; who is the real enemy?
Jesus said in John 12:31, “Now is the judgment of the world. Now shall the prince of the world be cast out.” The enemy, Satan, was defeated by Jesus with His death and resurrection. Jesus said, “If I be lifted up I will draw all men unto me.” Jesus was lifted high on that cross, so If (ALL) men will be at the feet of Jesus, do you think Judas will be there also? Satan’s end is sealed with defeat on the final day of judgement. In the meantime, he is still at work, seeking whom he may devour. Those who are in Christ are seeking those we can free from Satan’s bondage. We hold the key to God’s love and abundant life. ~ Jenny Calvert
Dear God, Help me to share your love and abundant life to all. In Jesus, I pray. Amen.
When A Heart Does Not Feel Joyful
Dear Heavenly Father, I know that in You is joy everlasting and eternal hope and I have all that I need in You, but Lord I feel so empty of joy. Lord, I feel as if I am so far from You and I don’t know what to do to sort it out.
Lord, I come to You in my brokenness and confusion and ask that You would fill me with Yourself, for You are my God and I trust in the Lord Jesus Who died to pay the price for my sins. I don’t deserve Your love and forgiveness, but I thank You for Your gift of Salvation by grace, for without You I am lost.
Lord, I know that Your Word says that nothing can separate me from Your love, even when I don’t feel joyful inside, but Lord if there is anything in my life that needs to be changed or that is dishonouring to You, I pray that You would show me, and restore to me the joy of being Your child.
Fill me I pray with the joy of salvation. Pour into my heart the joy of the Lord. Carry me I pray in Your loving arms, and breathe into me Your Spirit of joy so that I may begin to rejoice in You once again. In Jesus’ name I pray,