North Queensferry Church

10th. November. 2021. Daily Devotion.

Matthew 5:4

Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.”

Life is not always easy. Regardless of how much money we have or how successful we appear to be, each of us has to struggle against the curse of sin, which has poisoned every inch of God’s good creation.

In your life, you may find yourself trying to overcome destructive habits, only to fall right back into your old patterns. You might experience the pain of losing a friend or a family member who dies at a young age. Or maybe as you look at the daily news, you feel overwhelmed by the suffering of people around the world.

These things are uncomfortable to admit, and it’s tempting to use work, or hobbies, or socializing to distract ourselves from life’s many problems.

But Jesus challenges us to confront sin head on, and to let ourselves grieve all of the destruction it has caused. When we understand the depth of our need, and we understand that neither politics nor technology, business, or therapy will fully heal this broken world, comfort is available. Griev­ing the world’s sin and brokenness leads us to turn to God as our only comfort, trusting in his power to put things back together, since we cannot do that ourselves.

~ A J Gretz.

Father, help me to confront the hard realities of life in this troubled world, that I may understand the need for your grace and know the comfort of your promise to make all things new. In Jesus, Amen.

For Those Who Pray

Be merciful, O Lord, to those who have entrusted me, an unworthy sinner, to pray for them. Be merciful, O Lord, to all who ask Thy help. Make this day a day of Thy mercy; give to each according to their petition. Be the Shepherd of the lost, the Guide of Light of unbelievers, the Teacher of the unwise, the Father of orphans, the Helper of the oppressed, the Healer of the sick, the Comforter of the dying, and lead us all to the desired end — to Thee, our refuge and blessed repose. Amen.


O Lord, you are the beginning of all our goodness, the wellspring of all our loving and the source of all our freedom. Let your grace continually work within us, that your will may be done through us, and that we may always rejoice in your presence; now and for ever. Amen.

~ Mary Ward (1585-1645)


Loving God, my shield and hiding place,
give me the courage to come from behind the shield,
give me the faith to leave my hiding place,
so that I might be willing to go into every place:
places of tears and trauma, places of disillusion and despair
as well as places of fun and fulfilment.
Displace my complacency and replace it with a spirit of boldness.
May I serve you till in heaven I take my place.
Until then, I place into your hands the things I should do, safe in the knowledge that you are my abiding place, my dwelling place and my resting place. Amen.

~ Inspired by Psalm 8