13th. December. 2021. Daily Devotion.
“Because Joseph her husband was faithful to the law and yet did not want to expose her to public disgrace, he had in mind to divorce her quietly. An angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said: ‘Joseph, Son of David, do not be afraid.’” Matthew 1:19-20
At the start of the story, there is the possibility of hurt, confusion, disappointment and disgrace. Joseph and Mary are living in that place between faith and fear, hope and misunderstanding. I wonder how isolated they felt. Yet in the midst of it, God was at work. Sometimes in the midst of struggles we just have to hold on and believe that God will work it out.
Fear is something we are all familiar with. Sometimes our fears are genuine, sometimes misplaced, but fear is part of the human condition. Yet the Bible tells us that perfect love drives fear away. Do we need to invite the love of God more directly into areas of life that bring us fear?
Lord God, we pray for all those who are isolated. Some that live in isolated communities across the world, and others who feel alone even in the midst of many people. We pray that they may know your presence. We also pray for those who go to isolated communities across the world bringing supplies, medicines and support. Lord, have mercy. Amen.
Lord, we pray for all those who are captives to fear. Those who face each situation with dread. Those with fears in the present and those fearing the future. Lord, draw near and bring your love. God, we ask for those who live in countries where their situation can change for the worse at any moment. Those with no control over what happens to them. Make your presence known, we pray. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Stormy Weather Prayer
Lord, every time the tide is high, and the gales blow in, we remember you stilled the storm. Bless those surrounded by the sea, with their lives dictated by tides, their goods and produce dependent on ships finding safe harbour.
Every time the tractor ploughs the field, and the picker gathers the crop, we remember you sow seeds of life. Bless those surrounded by agriculture, with their lives dictated by the seasons, their goods and produce dependent on the weather and the land.
Every time we see a plane in flight and turn our heads to the sky, we remember you made us your children. Bless those who fly, with their lives dictated by the winds and fog, our goods and produce flying through the heavens to find their way to our homes. Amen.
Advent Prayer
This Advent-time
we remember Mary and Joseph,
giving thanks for their faithfulness,
courage and obedience,
stepping out into the unknown
in the strength of your Spirit,
playing their part
in the fulfilment of your plan
to bring your prodigal people
home again.
We pray that their example
might be the pattern of our lives,
that when your gentle whisper
breaks through the clamour of this world
and into our small corner,
we might be ready to listen,
and having listened, to act.