21st. December. 2021. Daily Devotion.
“When Herod realised that he had been outwitted by the Magi, he was furious. He gave orders to kill all the boys in Bethlehem and its vicinity.” Matthew 2:16
It is always astounding how amazing love or good news can provoke such violent responses. There are those in the world who will do everything they can to stop the plan of God. However, God will always prevail. His kingdom will advance. Our next few days of prayer are for the persecuted Church.
The charity Open Doors reports that 322 Christians are killed every month because of their faith and 214 churches destroyed. For many of our brothers and sisters, to follow Jesus is to face the possibility of suffering. How can we help? Are there practical steps we can take to show our unity in Christ?
Lord, your word tells us that when one part suffers we all suffer. Thank you that you see all that your children go through. Thank you that no tear is shed that you don’t see and thank you that you are a just God. Lord, we pray for the persecuted Church. May your people know they are not forgotten. Bring comfort and strength. We pray for those who have lost loved ones through the violence of others. Let them know that the Immanuel is with them. Lord have mercy. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Lord, you stood outside the tomb and wept. Lord, you stood in the midst of the city and wept tears for the mourning, the broken, the hopeless, the lost. Were they silent tears, falling from your eyes and your broken heart?
Lord of compassion, we ask that you would you weep with those who weep, comfort the mourning, put together the broken, bring peace to the hopeless, and find the lost.
Lord of comfort, strength, love and victory, reveal your grace, in Jesus’ name, Amen
Prayer for Family and Friends
Blessed are you, loving Father, for all your gifts to me and those close to me. Blessed are you for giving me family and friends to be with me in times of joy and sorrow, to help me in days of need, and to rejoice with me in moments of celebration.
Father, I praise you for your son Jesus, who knew the happiness of family and friends, and in the love of your Holy Spirit. Blessed are you for ever and ever. Amen.
For Those Making All Kinds of Journeys
I pray for all who will be making journeys today and during the Christmas holiday: For those who travel to spend time with family and friends; For those who are going to a new job and for those who are going to work for the last time today; For the emergency services who will travel at high speed on land, water or in the air, to bring help to others; For those starting a new life as they move into a new home; For those travelling to or from prison; For people who will go into hospital today; For young people on their way to and from school, college and university; For those who are lost on the journey of life; For those who will die today and make their final journey. I remember all these people now, and ask your blessing upon them, Lord. Amen.