North Queensferry Church

14th. February. 2022. Daily Devotion.

If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:8-9

There is an awfully big “if” involved here, however: “If we confess our sins . . . ” And do not think that this matter of confessing is a one-time deal. On this point, the Greek is much clearer than the English, because the tense used in Greek clearly and definitively describes a continual, ongoing process. There are no two ways to read John’s text, no ambiguity. We must confess repeatedly and continually.

The justification that brings us eternal life, and the constant regeneration in newness of life that confession and forgiveness bring, do not remove our need to work against the subjective reality of sin in our daily lives. If we do not confess continually, we face either destructive guilt, on the one hand, or denial of our wrongdoing, on the other. And either of these will drive us away from God.

The price of forgiveness has been paid in full; all we need to do is ask for it. It is one of the few places in Christian doctrine where we must make an affirmative effort to secure our salvation, for to confess our sin, we must search it out. ~ Mason Barge

Lord, lead me to know my sin, that I might confess it and enjoy the great blessing of forgiveness. Amen.

Be to us, O Christ, peace to the troubled mind and home to the wanderer. Be as living water for our cleansing, as the song that soothes our sadness, and as the inward voice that directs all our days. Amen. Divine Service, William E. Orchard, 1919

Morning Confession

I confess with faith and adore You, O Light indivisible, Holy Trinity and single Godhead, creator of light and dispeller of darkness. Dispel from my soul the darkness of sin and ignorance, and at this hour enlighten my mind, that I may pray to You according to Your will and receive from You the fulfilment of my supplications. Have mercy upon Your Creatures and upon me, a great sinner. Amen.

For Strength and Peace

O Thou who art my quietness, my deep repose,
My rest from strife of tongues, my holy hill,
Fair is Thy pavilion, where I hold me still.
Back let them fall from me, my clamorous foes,
Confusions multiplied;
From crowding things of sense I flee, in Thee I hide.
Until this tyranny be over past,
Thy hand will hold me fast. What though the tumult of the storm increase,
Grant to Thy servant strength, O Lord, and bless with peace. Amen. Toward Jerusalem by Amy Carmichael

 Upholding Prayer
Loving Father, thank you that you are the source of all true joy in life. You have said that we have nothing to fear when you are with us. With you alongside we will not be dismayed, you will strengthen and heal us, you will uphold us with your righteous right hand. Please restore to health all who need it, Lord. You are the God of hope. Fill us with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit we may abound in hope. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.