North Queensferry Church

15th. March. 2022. Daily Devotion.

For God is the King of all the earth; sing praises with a psalm! Psalm 47:7

A peacock is a beautiful, majestic, king-like bird—just as God is our King. He is magnificent and breath-taking like the bird. Our life on earth is full, compared to Him, and simple. I choose a dull paper colour for the background, but when you read closely, you will see fun, uplifting, sweet words.

These are the words people like to hear and think about, when they think of God. The words represent God always being present in our lives no matter how mundane our lives really are.

On a rainy winter night, with my lavender candle burning, I sat down and looked up inspiring and uplifting words in the dictionary: words that God would want anyone to feel and to say to each other—words to use as affirmations. Then I cut them out and glued them to paper. I copied this piece of paper with ecru coloured paper. Then, I glued everything down. I sketched the peacock and then painted it with oil. The peacock’s eyes were drawn with a Sharpie marker. An act of creative worship by 15-year-old Grace Kerlin.

Lord, let me always remember your magnificence, even when my life seems mundane. Amen.

We commend to you, O Lord, our souls, and our bodies; our prayers and our hopes; our health and our work; our life and our death; our families and our friends; our neighbours and our fellow men and women, this day and always. Amen. Lancelot Andrewes (1555-1626)

Prayer to Dedicate This Day to God

Holy God, as I face another day, I know I am going to face many challenges: to my faith, to my patience, to my love for others. I am going to have constant temptations to lapse into sin. Come to me now, Lord, and stay with me all day. Let your Spirit encompass my mind. Let me know your presence. Steer my hand, direct my words, guide my thoughts in everything I think and say and do. I resolve to live this day as a beacon of your glory, the best I can, with your help. I commit myself to give this day to you. In the name of Christ, be with me and help me.Amen.

Loving God, as the world continues to face the challenge of disease, we give thanks for all who bring healing and health to others; for those who work in hospitals, GP practices, hospices, and care homes; for those who volunteer giving time, love and care; for delivery drivers, refuse collectors, supermarket staff; for teachers, social workers and all who care for others. We give thanks for scientists developing treatments and vaccines; for those willing to be used in trials so that others can be well and free; for experts in public health and for all those on the frontline of infection control. In the name of Christ, the healer. Amen.


Finally, whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, let me think about these things. What I have learned and received, let me do; and the God of peace be with us all. Amen.