North Queensferry Church

15th. July. 2022. Daily Devotions.

Isaiah 26:3-4

(God) will keep in perfect peace all those who trust in him, whose thoughts turn often to the Lord! Trust in the Lord God always, for in the Lord Jehovah is your everlasting strength.

Jesus said in Matthew 11: 28-30, “Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

Jesus invites us to give Him our burdens but so often we hold on to them. Sometimes it’s our pride that keeps us from seeking help. We feel we can handle things ourselves. We may even pray about our problems, but we hold on, refusing to relinquish it totally to Him. Sometimes, we are afraid of how God will handle the problem. His answers may be different than what we envision. We want things to happen, “our way!”

When we hold on and refuse to let go, our stubbornness keeps us in a miserable state. When we finally do give the situation over to God there is a wonderful, sweet release. The circumstances may not change, but we do. We are no longer in turmoil. We wonder then, why we waited so long. He loves us so much and He wants to bear our burdens.

The key to this dilemma of really letting go is simple, just ask Him. We must be honest and admit our fears and lack of faith. He already knows. He just wants willing hearts. When we release our tight grip and loosen up our fisted hands and hearts, God’s grace will help us to trust Him more.
~ M Barge

Dear Lord, Thank you for loving us even when we lack faith. Help us to trust you fully. Amen.

Prayer for Holiness

Oh Christ, who brings back the wandering sheep, turn me from my evil ways to good ones and imprint upon my soul the recollection of the dreadful day of death, the fear of hell and the love of Your Kingdom, that I may repent of my sins and do righteousness. Have mercy upon Your Creatures and upon me, a great sinner. Amen.
~ St. Nersess, 12th century.

A Prayer of Safety for Christians Escaping Persecution

Lord, my Shield, as You loosened the chains of Paul and Silas and You opened the gate for Peter to walk out of prison, allow those believers who are trapped in oppression to leave. I ask for safety, especially of the young and the vulnerable. Open paths and sustain them in travel. Place fellow Christians in positions where they can assist. Give them the trust that You are with them. Whether it be in crossing a border, escaping from prison, or running from those who seek to harm, Father, have mercy on them and speed them on their way. I ask these things in the powerful name of Jesus. Amen.

To Heal Divisions

Father may our human family not become separated from you by building barriers of race, colour, class, gender, or beliefs. Inspire us to recognize that we are all made in your image and likeness, so that we may grow in appreciation of all people and encourage each other to grow in pride in who we are and who we are called to be. May we recognize your Son among us and live truly as brothers and sisters. I pray this in the name of Christ, in remembrance of His love for the Samaritan woman at the well. Amen.